It is still not too late to sign up for this great conference. Just go
It will be held online August 21-22.
Session times will be:
Friday 8/21, 6:00pm CST - Cara Putman
How God Can Use You
Tired of hearing God has a plan and purpose for your life — as long as you’re willing to wait until you’re out of college? Wondering how God can use you? If He ready to put you to service –even in your teen years? Then participate in this session — get a vision for how God can use you now as well as brainstorm specifics for your dreams.
Friday 8/21, 8:30pm CST - Sarah Martin
Quiet Time and Bible Study
Do you ever find yourself reading the Bible and repeating the same passage over and over confused as ever? This will be an interactive session looking at practical ways to have a daily Quiet Time and Bible Study! Be ready to get pumped up about studying the Bible for yourself and deepening your walk with the LORD!
Saturday 8/22, 8:30am CST - Alyssa Avant
Prayer Journaling
Prayer journaling is a lost art, well journaling for that matter. Just as this world has been taken over by email, rather than snail mail, text messaging, rather than a good old fashion phone call, we are plagued with wanting things to be quick and easy. Too bad we can’t email God, or can we? Well, the point is that we must take time to slow down and talk with Him, however we might choose to do it. But girls? Do you make time for talking to God, and more importantly listening to Him? If not, I encourage you to start, and this wonderful art of prayer journaling is a super way to make time to “sit at his feet” , and truly talk to and listen to our Lord and Savior.
Saturday 8/22, 10:00am CST- Shelly Ballestero
Beautiful You! Inside and Out…
It’s back to school and that usually entails new clothes, makeup and maybe a new hair style. However your budget may not be able to supply your passion for fashion and beauty needs! In Beautiful You—you will;
* Learn DIY beauty secrets
* Creative Confidence Projects
* Inner Beauty and self worth
* Hottest is modest—dress your body type
* Makeup & hair tips
Sometimes wanting to look good can get out of balance and it’s important to know where your beauty comes from— You are beautiful because God made you that way. Beauty is God-encoded deep in your DNA—You are unique and a divinely hand-sculpted masterpiece, fingerprinted body and soul by the most amazing Designer in the universe—none other than our Lord and Savior.
Saturday 8/22, 11:30am - Evonne Mandella
Fun! Faithful! Modest!
Is your daughter creative, artistic, have one of a kind personality and style?! Well- here’s her chance to shine! This workshop will inspire your precious gal to be the princess she is meant to be. She will learn to take everyday outfits, and turn them into her own original fashion designs! Using a simple no sew technique she will learn ways to add style to any outfit and ensure she is a hip- modest gal in the process. You will also learn how to take any bit of apparel and turn it into a tool to share your faith in our Great God!
Saturday 8/22, 1:00pm CST - Angela Parsley
Girl Power, God’s Way
Want to live a life without selling out? Then this talk is for you. We will examine that God has a great purpose for your life, that you and your choices greatly matter to God, and how to stand strong with God when the culture is moving in the other direction. We are warrior princesses of a great King and Girl Power, God’s Way is encouraging us to live it out daily.