I did not have a strong writing year this year on my personal blog. I did more book reviews than posts. I am not sure why this is except for the busyness of life. I have been contributing articles consistently around the web so it keeps the discipline of writing at work. This year I have contributed to various places including, Comfort in the Midst of Chaos, The End in Mind, The Gospel Coalition, and Life Letter Cafe. Check them all out. I love what all of these ministries do and how they point others to Christ.
The top Five most viewed posts from Refresh My Soul this year are as follows:
1-Disney channel post
I was very passionate about what I saw Disney sneak in a popular show this year. I guess my passion in writing brings in more views or perhaps it was because this was about Disney.
2-So what is wrong with 50 shades of grey anyway?
Again, another passionate post and it is about popular culture. I guess again, that brings in views on a blog.
3-Invisible Illness at Church
I am actually happy this one made the top viewed list, education is key. For my fellow invisible illness friends, this is dedicated to you.
4-Tragedy of being unequally yoked
This was just simply our story and God's grace toward us.
5-On Losing those things dear
Another passionate post about losing my dearest friend. And I can say on this day, I really am okay. God is good.
Top Two honorable mentions:
In Bible Times There was No Processed Food but People Still Got Sick
This post really got me thinking about sickness. Today people think they have all the answers to stop sickness. We crave a fountain of youth while our bodies decay but the truth is Jesus is going to restore all things one day, sin has caused all of this decay and there is no cure but Him. Come Lord Jesus.
The Perfect Facebook Life
This post was just a plea for people to stop being fake.