Please don't let my Facebook posts make you think my life is perfect, because it is not. I struggle daily like the rest of the world. I am not always having fun or loving my kids or husband the way I should. I am a complete mess. I hope my Facebook page does not deceive you.
I have a real problem with Facebook. My problem is the lack of authenticity it portrays. People make posts about how great their lives are and post photos all the time about it, myself included. However, if we really posted what was happening, how messy and hard life is, it would make it easier for me to stomach.
Yet, every time I decide to secretly shut my Facebook account down, someone inevitably ends up telling me how encouraging my posts are to them. Then I am torn. I want to glorify God in all I say and do. I am not deceived though that posts may end up bringing the glory to me. This is not what I want. I try to post and live authentically. I try to glorify God as the center of all I do, yet I often fall short.
It is nice to be able to share Christ and encourage others in Christ through social media. I love that so much! However, I do not like how people use that same means to bash and boast. We can all get roped into this at times. We are desperately messed up people who continually battle narcissism and are in need of a great Savior. Who will save us from ourselves? Facebook shows me this desperate need. It exposes it daily. It grieves my soul.
We need to be encouraged to think of ourselves less. Facebook helps us think of ourselves more. I don't like that. Yet I stay because if one thing can point someone to Christ then the mess is worth entering in to. And as my Spirit grieves for those who are harsh, worshiping false idols, or faking life through the net, I can also pray. I pray we will develop into people of grace and truth who focus solely on our Savior.
So who will save us from ourselves? Christ will! Believer, He is the One who knows our hearts to the core and loves us anyway. There is nothing that is hidden from Him and He still chose us before the foundation of the world was ever laid. He died willingly because of His great love for us. He can save us from our narcissism and bring our eyes back to a right focus on Him and help us be more authentic on our journeys. Thus leading me to conclude for now, I will continue on in Facebook as messy as it remains.
1 comment:
Beautifully said. <3
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