Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Churchless by Barna and Kinnaman


This book is your typical Barna research type book. It is all that one who is familiar with Barna would expect. It is filled with statistics and trends of today's Churchless population. I found it vastly fascinating. Any book that deals with cultural trends is important for our generation. It speaks volumes as to the type of world that surrounds us today.

The book focuses in on how to best reach the growing number of people who are no longer engaging in church. It ranges from skeptics to seekers but what they all have in common is not seeing the importance of partnering with a local church.

The statistics are interesting and the book gives good suggestions as to how one should reach these people with the good news of Jesus Christ. It also is convicting because it shows what the church is doing wrong in so many ways. I am better off for reading it. I do recommend it to anyone interested in the world around them. It is important research and information to think about.

You can get a copy of this book from AMAZON HERE.

I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.

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