Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Adoption Journey - Phase One

Going through the process of international adoption can be lengthy. It also can be more costly than domestic adoption. Taking it another step further, adopting from the Philippines is even more restricting.

We have our challenges set before us. One of those is seriously losing some weight. There are BMI restrictions here. Another is taking physiological testing. There are just some restrictions here that are not set in other places. However, at this time we are feeling called to pursue this country. So we will continue walking through the process until God closes some doors.

We have several meetings lined up to finalize where we will put our application into. We feel an urgency in this because 30 months can be the wait time for the Philippines. This will be agonizing knowing our baby boy is out there somewhere while we just wait for him. It will be a humble realization that this child is God's as well and God is watching over him no matter where he is. Depending on God will take on a new meaning for us.

I cannot imagine not knowing exactly where one of my girls were. This child is the same for us. He is God chosen to be part of our family but we just do not know where he is yet. We have a love growing in our hearts that is amazing for this child that we do not even have a picture of. It is an amazing thing to go through.

I feel pregnant right now....knowing it could take 30 months. I hold that secret smile inside that you get when you are newly pregnant yet no one knows but you. You just realize this child is growing within you and will grace you with its presence at due time. This is feeling the same. It is a crazy feeling. Please pray for us as we have these meetings and ask God for His wisdom in moving forward. Also pray for us as we raise support up to around $20,000. Pray for us as we seriously seek out health in our bodies.


Kathy said...

What?! I had no idea, Angela! WOW! Congratulations on your decision and may God open all the doors. Amen!

Vilisi said...

Praying that all goes well.

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