Saturday, February 26, 2011

Adoption Confusion

Photo taken from Holston Home.

Research for adoption is overwhelming!!! OVERWHELMING! Phew glad I got that out now. Seriously my husband and I have been praying through so many different things as we consider adoption. There are decisions to make about what agency you will work with? How about special needs? Are we willing to take those into our home? What about ages of children? So many children out there need loving families.

And that is just a few things. This is a serious fasting, prayer covered type of thing. We know our child is out there somewhere. God just has to lead us to him or them. He knows who is supposed to be here. Acts 17:26 gives me comfort. It states, "From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand when they should rise and fall, and he determined their boundaries." God knows. He knows the boundaries of this child. He knows where he is. He knows him even if he is not born yet.

So far He keeps bringing us back to the Philippines. But the problem here is there is a long wait. Maybe up to four years. This is driving us crazy. Yet everytime we do our research we are drawn back to the Philippines. So, this is what seems to be the path to take. That narrows down agencies because not everyone works with the Philippines. 

We have a meeting with a social worker this week. We are hoping this will narrow some things down for us. Please keep us in your prayers. I think we have also narrowed it down to two potential agencies as well.  That may make things easier. We just need God's wisdom. This is a huge decision.


Beth said...

Praying for you and your family during this journey. I can't imagine all the emotions, questions and work that must go into the adoption process.

God's girl said...

Thanks Beth!! It is an adventure.

Kara Akins said...

Just so excited about this. Praying for you like crazy. And I'll keep my eye out in Romania...just in case.

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