It is Then Sings My Soul Saturday again! So, this is one of my favorite songs especially when dealing with the difficulties of life. It is called, "Trading My Sorrows" and the verses they sing from 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 are the best. I am taking the words from the CEV and putting them here but the song uses a different version. It is a great praise and pick me up kind of song! Enjoy.
"We often suffer, but we are never crushed. Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up. In times of trouble, God is with us, and when we are knocked down, we get up again."
Yes Lord, Yes Lord, YES YES Lord!
I will be singing this all weekend thank you!
I love this song!
Oooh - I love this song! It's on my ipod's running mix. I try on a daily basis to give it all to Him because I know He will "be my strength!"
Hey Angela,
Oh, what a great song. I'll never forget the first time I heard that. I walked into a ladies meeting, VERY DOWN, very discouraged. After a powerful teaching they broke that song out. Well, I wanted to SHOUT and SCREAM!! It'll always be very special to me.
Had fun listening again, God is so GOOD!!!
Angela, What a great song! We sing this in church sometimes and I think it is so great. I strive to live a life where I'm "trading my sorrows".
Have a great week!
This is a super song. My kids love singing and shouting "Yes, Lord" at children's church. I'm so glad that they have neat music to sing. What a great reminder to never, never, never give up.
Oh Girl....you KNOW I love this song!
Thanks for sharing your journey with us....
Love you
I love this song! Yes Lord. I have a plaque on my wall that says this. I bought it after I read Lysa Terkeurst's book, What happens when Women say Yes to God.
Thanks for joining in this week.
Yes, this is a GREAT song! I'm thinking it'd be NICE if we could "burn" a CD with all of the posts from today on it?? =-) This has been one FANTASTIC "TSMSS!"
We LOVE this song at my house! It is definitely a crank it up and dance song!
So glad you posted it today!!!! :)
oh what a great song. I find new songs I like through this meme. I was wondering if you would consider donating to the March of Dimes in honor of Tristan, my preemie. I have a donation badge on my blog on the bottom right and any little amount would be great. We are walking in the March for Babies on May 3rd, here in Oak Ridge, TN.
Thanks and much love!
I remember the first time hearing this song and it brought tears to my eyes.... I love it!
Great song! We sing this at church and it fills me with such hope and encouragement!! My prayer is to always be a woman who says,
"Yes, Lord!"
I LOVE THIS SONG, Angela! Thank you for this opportunity to praise Jesus to this great song!
I haven't heard this one in awhile. It's awesome.
I like this song. It's one I need to wake up and sing everyday!
When I was going through some difficult health moments last summer this song carried me through.
Love it!
I enjoyed this song very much, Angela! Thanks for the great worship. (Second time through now.) :~D
Oh, I love that song, too! :)
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