Just some thoughts. Some of you have read previously of my battle with Lyme disease. It was a beast. I cannot think of a worse thing to go through. After seven years of fighting this battle, God just took it away one day. It was the most wonderful thing. I had no symptoms at all--so I thought.
God spoke two times very clearly through this battle. The first time He said that "this would be for a season". The second was that, "He healed me but it would be a long time until I was back to normal physical health". I have struggled to understand what that meant. I felt great after that very moment He healed me. Though I was symptom free, I understood some of what that meant. I do believe God was wanting me to start working out to get my body back in shape but two years passed from then.
It is finally nine years later that I am starting back. Every time prior I started something happened to me to make me stop. This time has had it challenges but I am pressing through. I am more sure now than ever this is what God would have me do. He worked to many things out in that direction to confirm it.
I do press on. I am beating my body into submission to this. It has not been easy. I do have some heart damage that resulted from the Lyme disease. My heart beats faster than normal and this has been a little bit of a problem with my exercise routine. I am learning how to control it to make it stronger. God can heal that part completely too. It may be one of those things that takes time. I just want to be a good steward of what God has given me.
With that all said, my goal has changed slightly. I know those extra pounds will shed because of what I am doing but the goal now is one of getting heart healthy. God gave me this body and if I am to serve Him well, I need to be in good physical health. No excuses. He will give me what I need to get there. So, no selfish ambition here where there may have been some earlier. This is about me and God rebuilding this temple. Slow and steady. I am praising Him for my friend who keeps me accountable and her trainer who understands.
See what others are saying at Live Well Wednesday.
So much of living well is about having a vision...and you have one...rebuilding the temple He has given you. Steadily working toward that goal with God's help will be your strength.
You can do it!
Tammy ~@~
What an inspiring post! I posted a heart-healthy smoothie on my blog if you want to check it out. I am so sorry about your suffering with Lyme disease for so long. God truly can give us a grace period from our suffering or cure us totally and it is so good that God has spoke to you. He is all goodness and light. He is everything to me. Blessings, Rose
Slow and steady- I need to remember that. I had a similar battle last year with Mono (they thought it was Lyme at first) and heart related problems. I'm also seeing that rebuilding my physical health is an act of faith, that I will be needing my stamina and strength to respond to God's call- wherever He takes me!
I'm thinking He may have meant it literally when He first whispered to me to "get up into the mountains and there proclaim, 'Behold your God!'"
You've got the attitude right. To get heart healthy. God is in control. We all need to just give this battle over to him every day.
Every time I have been "at goal", something happened to cause me to backslide. Some crisis in my life. So I understand when you say that.
I hope you have a wonderful week and see signs of improvement in your health. One step at a time!
Mama Bear
You sure have hit the nail on the head with this post. It is not aboutl pounds! It's about health. When we focus on health the pounds take care of themselves and we feel good because we arrive at the weightloss in a way that is healthy for us. When we focus on health so many other things become healthy besides the number on the scale. We feel muscles where we had none before, our mind is sharper, we sleep better, we just feel good all over. That is what God had in mind for us in the first place. Doesn't it feel so good to experience His best for us?
Amen Angela. Stay with your program. I'm not sure I know what Lyme disease is. It sounds very serious. I'll google and find out. Blessings my friend! Hugs, e-Mom
That is so great. I'm glad that God is part of your goal, that's awesome.
Good for you lady, you have had quite the challenge but it seems like you have a good focus. I pray that your heart will be strengthed both physically and spiritually. Take care and thank you for your post.
Sounds like you've been through a LOT! I'm so proud of you for your awesome attitude and determination. Don't give up! He will walk you through this!
I have a new motivation, too. Funny how those trips to the doctor help us put things in perspective, huh? Just like Tammy said...we are rebuilding or "rennovating" the temple. And we cannot let anything or anyone make us come down off the wall!
(See Nehemiah 6:1-4)
Thanks for sharing your perspective this week...it really blessed me.
You are such an inspiration to me to do a better job of taking care of my temple! Thank you for challenging me in this area!
Love you!
Wow! That is some battle with Lyme disease. I really don't know alot about it, but I am glad that you have your faith in Him, the ultimate Healer.
I'm trying so hard to keep that mentality as well. I don't want to lose weight just for the sake of feeling like I look better; I want to live a healthy active lifestyle where weight loss is merely an added benefit. I truly need to improve my stewardship as well when it comes to my body. It's funny how easy it is to believe stewardship only has to do with possessions and money.
Thank you for sharing your heart! Thanks for stopping by my blog to encourage me!
Girlfriend! I have been catching up on some reading here...you are so gifted...and I am still thinking about that thing we talked about before...:)
Love ya..proud of you and the fast..WOW!! I know how hard that one was..been in those shoes.
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