Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Ponderings

Today my pastor spoke about the people who missed Jesus that first Christmas when Jesus was born. People who should have known--missed it. The very priests who researched the word-- missed it. They were in a 400 year period of silence. A long time not hearing a word from God. How could they miss it?
When God seems silent in my life I know that I draw even nearer to Him. I know He is there and I hold tight to His very word through the Scriptures just desperately searching for Him in this silence. Why did they not have that same desperation?

God is so good to us. Let us not miss Him. We can miss Him this season as well when we are caught up in other things. Things that really do not matter. If you get a chance go over to His blog. My pastor's wife is writing a story about their son. He had cancer when he was a little boy. Her story is so heart warming. God is the God of miracles and if you get a chance read it. Their son is such a neat young man and boy can he lead worship. I cannot wait to see what all God has in store for him.


Anonymous said...

missing HIM would mean missing the time of my life! No way am I going to miss HIM..I need HIM too much!

love princess!, Darla

still having trouble working the wordpress in the blogger comments..still trying :)

Susan Skitt said...

Look forward to reading it :)

Yes, how many missed him... so sad that so many today do too. How important it is to spread the Word :)

And on the flip side, how neat to read about those who got it, like Simeon and Anna :) Makes me realize once again how important reading the Scriptures are in our every day lives:)

Have a nice day my friend! Great post!

Faith said...

Mmm ... what a wonderful post! Thank you for giving me some good stuff to ponder!

Renee Swope said...

Love your post. Not only do I not want to miss HIM, I want to be one who MEETS Him each day, in everyday moments that remind me why He came just for me. Oh to have been a shepherd or a king on that cold winters eve when Peace came on Earth.

Love your blog Angela. It's as beautiful as you are!!!


Micca said...

This is my heart's cry every year...not to miss Jesus! As believer's we can. Sad, but true. I don't want to miss Him now or anytime. I don't want to miss a thing He has for me...not one truth, not one promise, not one joy, not one lesson...not one. thanks for the reminder!
Love you, friend.

Susannah said...

It is incredibly difficult for me to imagine how the learned scribes and rabbis could have missed Christ's birth! :~D

Thanks for the link to your pastor's site. I can't imagine the challenges of having a child with cancer.

Blessings my friend!

e-Mom @ Chrysalis

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