Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A Great Win!


Something happened today! It was a miracle of sorts. Since I had been away this weekend all of our food seemed to disappear. Someone was going to have to go to the grocery. Well that someone was me of course. I have been preparing for this dreaded trip to Walmart for a few days now. Skimping off of what was left in the fridge and creatively using ingredients from the pantry had now become impossible.

After I was woken up today with a 6:15am phone call, I was reminded that I had to be downtown for a praise breakfast at 7am. Seeing how it takes about 30 minutes to get there did not give me much time. I quickly got myself together and left. I wondered to myself it I looked okay because of the rush. The speaker talked about God thinking we are beautiful. In fact He is enthralled by our beauty (Psalm 45).

After it ended, I was to meet my hubbie who had the girls so we could trade cars and he could go off to work. When I saw him, his first comment to me was about how beautiful I looked. It was so sweet. I was seeing a pattern. As girls we too often compare ourselves with one another and often think it would be nice to be someone different. God however, created us to be delighted in by Him. He made us perfect and fearfully and wonderfully (Psalm 139). I was determined to also express this truth to my girls. It is never too early to learn this. We all seemed to sparkle brighter today because of it. We were the same us but only now we were living the way we were created to live. The way God meant for us to live. You see, when we know we are loved and delighted in there is a certain spring to our step. I do not know if this was the difference or not but when we arrived at Walmart this time it was different. Remember, in most times past these trips turned into miserable excursions. This time however we all enjoyed our time. People around us were smiling at us and encouraged by us. It was the best trip I had ever made.

We decided to make our grocery list into a scavenger hunt. This hunt was not so discrete so people could not help but look at us. We had a good time and enjoyed life--even the mundane things. We made ordinary, extraordinary. It was a day to cherish. Perhaps it was because we all knew who we were and whose we were and that He takes complete delight in us.


ocean mommy said...

I love that verse "The King is enthralled by your Beauty". It gives me chills everytime I read it.

I'm so glad your Wal-Mart experience was better!! (But those um....other experiences make for very FUNNY posts!)

Love you,

Meg said...

It is a good reminder...remember whose you are! He is so good to us. Even a trip to WalMart can be a blessing. Blessings, Meg

Amy said...

This reminded me of a day not too long ago when your little one reminded me that "You are a Princess Miss Amy!"

Keep on reminding them and us too!

Love you, Amy

Kate said...

A good trip to Wal-Mart IS something worth writing about.

I agree with Stephanie both about the verse and the other experiences.


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