Monday, September 8, 2014

I Used to Wish I Was Jewish


Our son was adopted into our family last June. This process helped me to understand more fully my adoption into the family of God. I am so thankful for this deeper understanding.

I used to wish I was Jewish because more than anything I wanted to have the same family background as Jesus. It literally hurt my heart to think I was far from His nationality being my German/French/English background self.

Then I realized that His choice and His decision was to adopt me. Adoption means that the adoptee gets all the benefits of the family he or she is adopted into. They get the heritage as well. This just blows me away. So, I am as Jewish as Jesus is by my identity and adoption into His family. I love that.

Let me share how I realized this. We recently had a family reunion. There were shirts and hats printed up with our family name on them. My son, through adoption has our family name legally now but I was fearful that he would not be accepted as one of the family by all of the family.

I watched as the family embraced him as their own. He was never excluded or shunned or made to feel less than. He was a true member of the clan. He got to share in our craziness and heritage like it was actually his own. My heart delighted in this sight and it was through watching this that God showed me that Jesus family line IS my family line. I may look different on the outside but it is indeed my family line by adoption and that makes my heart full.

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