Monday, July 14, 2008

A New Walmart Moment

So all of you that keep up with my blog know that I do not like going to Walmart. I have such crazy experiences there and well today when I decided to go after quite a while I had another one of these experiences!

I was running a few errands and Walmart is a must because my daughter who loves chocolate milk but refuses to drink any brand but Walmart. Believe me I have tried to trick her with every other brand there is out there-I know that is not so spiritual. Bear with me.

On my drive I was listening to Beth Moore CD on the fruit of the Spirit and this ones was patience. It spoke about bearing with one another so I was asking God to let me be a light on this experience to those around me. An example of Him.

As I walked through I encountered so many people who looked so unhappy so I just smiled and prayed for each one. Then when I got all my stuff and to the check out the lady checking me out commented on my choice of Chester's Puffcorn. She said it looked good. I said it was and asked her if she wanted to try it. She said yes so much to all our surprise I opened the bag and she took a big handful and tried them. Good thing she liked them! :) I could only chuckle at what was just done. She commented on how hungry she was so God used that to bless her.

Now, I have to confess I am a germaphobe so I could not stop worrying about how clean her hands were since she was handling groceries and money and all but God took that away as I gave that to him. The lady behind me must have been thinking the same thing because her lip hit the floor at this scene and said, "that was nice." I asked her if she wanted some and she said, "no thankyou". It was so funny. My Walmart experiences never get old. I bet this does not happen anywhere other than Tennessee! :)

The funny thing about it is that we are really low on funds this month and what I bought has to last us until the end of the month. I wonder if God was testing how giving I would be because as I picked up each item I was thanking God for it and asking Him to multiply it like the fishes and loaves. We have made a commitment to debt-free living and with that comes certain sacrifices. Like the trip I wrote about a few weeks ago. I forgot to mention the best thing though-God let a donation come in today in the mail to help aid me on my Malta trip. God is so good.


Cheri said...

That is so awesome- what a shock that must have been to the cashier and the people in the line.
You certainly let your light shine!

Leah Adams said...


I think I would have just given her the bag. I'm not sure I could have put my hands in that bag and eaten out of it for anything!!

I'm sure she was so blessed by what you did!! Way to go,girl!!


Susannah said...

Funds for your Malta trip too? What an awesome gift. PTL for His provision for our every need. :~D

Anonymous said...

That is such a cute story! And really, it shouldn't be so shocking, we should all be like that all the time! :)

Susan Skitt said...

Oh, you and your WalMart experiences - lol! Gotta love how God works!

ocean mommy said...

That is the sweetest thing! I know you were a blessing to that sweet lady. You'll have to look for her the next time you go in!!

Praying that God will make everything you need last a little longer than normal! He's doing that for us this month BIG TIME. :) And I'm believing Him for what feels like the impossible....
You have encouraged me today. :)


Kate said...

How sweet of you. You know, we go to Wal-Mart on the same day at the same time each week and after long enough we have started to make friends with these people. It seems like you made yourself a friend that day.

And I love Stephanie's comment and will be praying the same for you.


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