They were from different sides of the tracks. She just received her driver's license. Though mostly a "good kid" the temptation of the new freedom that came with that little card and some car keys was too much for her to handle.
A blind date was set up. Her best friend and His best friend were dating. They thought it would be perfect to set us up together. A perfect deal.
With an anxious heart she and her best friend set out for our meeting point-The local McDonalds. Then we took off to a party. My man and I instantly hit it off. We had many things in common despite our differences of upbringing and friends.
As time went by three years later we married and now here we are thirteen more years later despite all the odds that were against us. We are definitely not who we were then and we praise God for that! It is only by God's grace. It is fun to be with someone you have known for more than half of your life. Over these 19 years, though many difficulties have been there, we have seen each other not only grow up physically but also grow up in the Lord. That has been the greatest blessing of my life. I would not trade a moment of the pain it took to get where we are now. The journey that is the hardest proves to have the greatest blessings. And that is what we are BLESSED.
To read more go over to Chrysalis.
Careful, McDonald's might snag you to do a commerical for them. :-) This is a sweet story, and reminds me how God amazingly uses our weaknesses and troubles for our growth and spiritual maturity.
awww I love this story, and i know.. so glad we're not in the same spot we were so many years ago!
God Bless!
Isn't it amazing how the Lord see's you through the years- the good and the bad.
Just from reading your blog you both have been blessed tremendously!
This is a great story!
I too am so thankful I'm not the same woman Chad married 14 years ago! Thank you Jesus for new life. :)
Love you girl!
I sure enjoyed your story and getting to know a new blogger. I'll be back to read more of your post soon.
It's interesting that God often puts people from different backgrounds and temperaments together. (As in our marriage too.)Opposites create a lot of passion, but they can also create sparks! :~D
You two have melded together into a formidable force for God. Bless you in your life and ministry.
Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, Angela. :~D
Congratulations on your 13 years, and even more together!
I enjoyed your love story. Growth is a wonderful thing, and it's fun to look back to see how far we have come. May God bless you both even more!
Obviously fast food is GOOD for you! Tee Hee! Thanks for sharing!
We must be meant to be blogging friends. Two blogs think alike or look alike. Hee, Hee
I love how God knows who we need in our lives...and when. Great story!
The journey that is the hardest proves to have the greatest blessings.
Thankyou for sharing your story.
Even through the rough time to be able to say it was worth it is so important! God shows us in those times our great need of him to make our marriages a blessing! Thanks for sharing!
That's so cool. My parents met on a blind date when they were 16 years old - and have now been married for 44 years.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog....
How nice. Ah, those teens days... God is so good, isn't He? He really sees us through!
Blessed indeed! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story.
Have a great week!
Reading your story put a smile on my face. I think it is wonderful that we are not the same people we were back then. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your story.
sweet lol thanks for sharing
LOVE IT and I love how you can see God's hand over all the years - He is faithful
How very special and wonderful!
I pray that your dear hubby is doing well!
I love your story. :)
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