This entire week my children have been gone to Camp Allstar from 9am to 3pm. My oh my. I have spent some great time with God in peace and quiet. I have been able to grocery shop with sanity and no surprises in my cart. I have been able to keep a very clean house. I have been able to write so much stuff. It has been so peaceful and so good yet there is just a piece missing.
I can hardly stand not being with these little bundles of joy. Even through the insane grocery store trips, the messy house, and the noisiness I have found I miss them so much. I am so ready for them to be home again. I love them so much. This time has been nice but it is not real life.
I have learned to be content with both things. I can still be in the presence of God in all the noise as I can in the peace and quiet. It is called practicing the presence of God. It is interesting because it is the same thing that Brother Lawrence talked about in his book with the same title. He said his quiet time devoted to prayer and his work time in a noisy kitchen were both the same. God is with us at all times and the lines of communication can remain open in all things.
Girls-mama loves you to pieces. You are God's precious gift to me and you bring me such joy. I sure hope I remember this next week when I am breaking up fight number 100 or washing ink off the wall or cleaning up several spills. No matter what I LOVE YOU! Isn't precious to know that God loves you even more.