Friday, August 29, 2014

The Highly Sensitive Child as Special Needs


I love the ministry Comfort in the Midst of Chaos toward the special needs community and their Christ centeredness and I am honored to be posting over there today. Here is a preview:

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:29). 

Today I went to the grocery store and like always I dreaded the check out process (unless it is the self-checkout). I also dread that question at the end of the bagging when they ask if they can help me out to my car. There have been times when my groceries ended up in two carts forcing me to need help to my car. Then the panic ensues.

I love people. I like to get to know people yet these kind of encounters I dread terribly. Today I was pushing my cart out and was spooked by the really nice man coming back in because he asked if I needed help. Why do I feel this way? READ MORE. (The full article is at Comfort in the Midst of Chaos).

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