Thursday, September 13, 2012

No T.V. Month Started Early this Year

October is no T.V. month in our household because there is so much evil and scary junk on even the family friendly channels during this time of the year. I have a child who is especially sensitive to this so we are trying to shield her from it as much as possible. Sadly even now I cannot take her to most stores unless I know how to avoid this junk. This is fine to me because I don't see anything redemptive in these dark things anyway and staying away from stores saves money!

We started early this month because there was just junk coming out of the mouths of my children. Even worst there was an increase of fighting and arguing. I made an executive decision to cut it off now. It has been a couple of days and you know what? We are fine. The exceptions to the rule is if it is a normal DVR kind of show we usually would watch when a new one airs, "I mean give me a break I MUST watch So You Think You Can Dance people! It is an obligation." However, we will be fast forwarding through any of the commercials. I am seeing that watching commercials feeds the greed in their hearts as well.

Also, Netflix is an option if the privilege of viewing something is earned. Now, little man has the exception on this rule. He likes his Disney Jr and Sprout! He can view most of this on the ipad while I am in the middle of schooling the olders. Atleast these are controlled and commercial free.

One great thing about this is that creativity can be encouraged and though my children are creative anyway, I have seen them pursue even deeper pursuits these past few days. They are writing plays and acting them out. Learning music and instruments. They are language learning. They are playing pretend. They are reading more. These are all great things. However most importantly they are refocusing their hearts on God. They are regaining their biblical worldview. They are seeing what is more important. Even upon earning television time they have decided they could pursue better pursuits! I am loving this and hoping it will continue.

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