Thursday, December 22, 2011

Homeschooling and "Normal" - What is Normal Really?


Another fun Pinterest find! I thought it would be fun to share these home school funnies today!

Homeschooling is such a blessing to us. Now that I am dealing with this chronic illness it looks differently than probably the typical home but we make it work. We love each other well, serve one another well, cuddle up and read and work on workbooks and lessons. The days when things are real rough we gather in the king size bed. The work is done, we are comfy, we are close. I worried about typing those words though. I think many people would be against me schooling now. Some have even asked if I would put them back in school because of my illness.

The answer would be if God directed us to then yes. Obviously if I was so bad that I could not teach and instruct my children I would have to do this. But I am not a vegetable. I have my teaching resources and curriculum and can still teach. It is not like the world system but we don't want to be like the world anyway. The children are in a secure and loving learning environment. I think those are good things. Plus they are learning to serve. Things I did not teach them well before this. Most importantly they are getting to see God up close and personal come through and shine in the situation that may seem desperate at times.

Sometimes we try to recreate "the institution of school" in our home school. Why? If that is the case then why are we doing it? So what if we cuddle in the bed and learn together? My children are bright, loving, compassionate kids who love well and consider other peoples needs. Not to get something back but because it is what they have experienced in this life. It is because they have experienced the gospel and because of that love they desire to serve the King. This is the end result we desire.

It is good. God provides. We will survive. It is just a temporary blip of time and things will go back to "normal" whatever that is. That is why I posted the cartoon. That is home schooling at its best! Learning is to be nurtured, fun, and comfortable. In love and at a pace that the individual child needs to really get it. I really know my children and listen to their needs. I can study them this way and meet them where they are at. To me for us there is no better way. Yet we will go where God directs. Each family has to do this. Let's not compare.

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