Saturday, October 29, 2011

Book Review: Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris

I received a copy of this book free of charge from the publisher for the purpose of review.

This was the best book on doctrine that I have ever read. It was written in a simple and straight forward way. I liked this the best about this book. Most books I read lack the ability to speak on the level where most people live. This book got it right. I would feel ok recommending or giving this to anyone questioning any doctrines I believed because it explained them so well.

I especially liked an illustration that was drawn in this book describing the flesh. It is a silly but helpful illustration drawn on a first grade level. I shared it with my daughter who has been struggling with the question of if I am a Christian why do I still struggle so much with sin? She was really helped by this. I was so thankful for that and it came at the exact time we needed it too. From now on I will use this image to describe the struggle.

The topics of discussion were basic Christian doctrine. The author also incorporates his own personal life experiences to explain how some of these were personally shaped in His life. There are some essential and nonessential doctrines and I liked how the author promoted love in the area of non essentials.

You can get a copy of this book from Amazon by clicking on the book above.

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