Sunday, October 30, 2011

Book Review: 50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know

I received a copy of this book from the publisher free of charge for the purpose of review.

First, I am not quite certain how they chose the 50 things they wrote about in this book but they were appropriate for the 7th-8th grade girl. It was written in a very easy to read manner with good easy to follow points that give pretty good advice on manners.

Second, this is published with a Christian publisher so I was under the impression it was a Christian book but is no where specifically a Christian book. There was nothing in it that I could say were Christian specific beliefs only good manners for society.

Overall it was an okay read. Does society need a restoration of manners? Yes we certainly do. So for that purpose it was instructive and informative however a Christian book on this topic should address the heart of the matter of the gospel.

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