Monday, September 26, 2011

Autism, A Tool to AId in Dying Daily

I have hesitated to write about this but maybe it will be an encouragement to someone out there. You cannot even begin to imagine how difficult it is for us to adjust to the realities of aspergers disorder as a family. When your child has special needs it changes the family in a huge way. Everyone must pitch in to help and die continually to self.

Now this is a good thing generally because God says to us;
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. ~Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me."~Luke 9:23

We have been given the gift of experiencing teamwork and dying daily through autism. Yet as we adjust to this we must combat anger. Anger when the flesh resists dying or resists working together. It is in the pressure cooker of life that we are purified. I am thankful for this yet it does not make it easier. However if you asked me if I could change it I would have to tell you no. I love my daughter the way she is, I trust God to help me know how to best raise and equip her the way she needs. I trust Him the One who knit her together in my womb and His unique purpose for her.



jade said...

Thankyou for posting ,alot of the time I struggle as well but like you if asked I wouldnt trade my daughter either!

ocean mommy said...

Oh girl. I love you.

You are the best Mom to those precious girls. A chosen Mom. A Mom handpicked by God Almighty to parent an exceptional young lady.

I'm honored to know you and pray for you!

God's girl said...

Thanks ladies! It is an honor to walk this path but it is very hard at times.

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