Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Three Inches!

I am really in the need of a hair coloring touch up. Now it has been quite a while since I have let my hair go naked from color. I did not know just how desperate it was until as I was looking at my hair , dark brown hair mind you, I spotted a rather bright and rather long hair. In denial I thought, "oh a highlight." Until I took a closer look and it was a pure white as snow three inch long hair! I am talking Santa Clause white here girls.

"Where in the world did that come from," I exclaimed. I continued to pull that sucker right out of my head. I could not believe this. In all of the commotion the girls wondered how in the world I had white hair so I went on to explain what happens as we get older. Then my youngest was just convinced that the next morning I was going to wake up with a full head of white hair. I tried to convince her otherwise but she was not buying it until she came in and saw me in the morning the next day. She was relieved and kept saying, "I am sorry mom you are getting old." Sweetie! :)

During this entire white moment two things kept going through my mind. First, I was going to get me some hair color very soon! But more importantly second, that God's word calls gray hair a crown of glory. It also states that it is gained by living a godly life (Proverbs 16:31NLT).

Now I have seen gray hair from time to time on my head but never white. It was the white that freaked me out. But what God was reminding me of was that though our hair changes it is like being adorned with a crown. The kicker is that it is gained by living a godly life! Wow, then I guess it is okay for the whole head to turn "gray." It is a crown to proudly wear. Unfortunately I am wearing an undercover crown as of tomorrow when I get those hairs dyed! :)


Cheri said...

I love your daughter- that is so cute!
I've been seeing more grey hairs in my own head- I always say it's just a sign of getting wiser. I must be getting pretty smart!

Kay Martin said...

I resemble this blog post...your white haired friend Kay!!! Does His glory shine in all my white hairs? I keep looking for the humor trait of Steve Martin to fill my days...it's not his white hair that makes him funny. Oh shoot!!!

ocean mommy said...

SO cute. :) I've got some "white" coming through too...BUT I'm scared of the color thing!!! It cracked me up this was your post today. Wednesday night I had this same sort of conversation with a friend. (Sitting outside at starbucks...before winter returned!) We are both "color virgins"...and scared to death to color our hair! Mine would probably turn blue or something strange!!!

Love you girl and MISS you..

Faith said...

You are too cute! I've found the occasional white hair on my head ever since I was in my mid-20s. Always a bit unnerving, but oh well; I pluck them out and forget about them ... which I'm sure will be harder to do once my kids are old enough to make cracks about them! ;)

Beams of Light Ministries said...

Too funny!

I have gray too - getting more all the time. I think I have about 5 strands now.

I'm giving you a shout-out on Monday March 16th, so stop by and check it out!

God Bless,

Leah Adams said...

Girl, Miss Clairol is my very best friend. Steamy Cappuccino #840.


Susan Skitt said...

LOL! An undercover crown - I'm wearing one too :) My mom's hair has gone to a lovely silver... I'm 42 and not quite ready for that yet. The real kicker is my hubby likes my hair long! Yikes, the salon appts. are getting more and more expensive :)

Nice visiting here again. I know it's been few and far between, but I am always blessed when I'm able.

The new business is going well, but it doesn't leave much time for my first love of writing these days.

Take care. Much love to you,

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