Sunday, June 16, 2013

Week One - Joy in Christ! Philippians for Tweens. Summer Bible Study


First I am so glad you have chosen to join me and my girls in this study for tweens! I am praying it will bring forth much fruit. That we will grow in the gospel of grace together. That our children will desire God’s word above all things. That they learn to cling to Him continually knowing what He did for us brings great joy.
If you would like me to send this to you weekly in a document form so you can print it out easier send me your email address at angela @ otherwise I will post here each day’s home work on Sunday or Monday of each week. Leave comments as you feel led I would love to hear.
So let’s dig right in!

The book of Philippians is a letter written from Paul, (an amazing man of God who wrote most of the New Testament) to a group of believers that he dearly loves. These people have been amazing as well toward him. They had been supporters of Paul for a long time. Paul was the man who formed the church in the location of Philippi probably about 11 years earlier. This group of people formed the first church on the continent of Europe.
 Photo credit to

When Paul writes this letter we now him as an older man who is living in prison. His crime is preaching the gospel of Jesus. He has done nothing wrong. Prison cells at this time were not like they are today. They were carved in the ground or made with stone which gets really hot or really cold depending on the climate. Since he older now, his body probably hurts in these conditions. He has been beaten many times by enemies for preaching the gospel; he has had a really hard life. He has much to be sad about or even complain about yet we see he does not. I admire this about him. We will be exploring why he was like this as we read the letter. Here is a picture of an entrance to a prison cell in his time. Many Scholars have differing opinions about this particular imprisonment so this could have also been a time Paul was on house arrest. We cannot be completely sure but the principles still remain the same.
Photo credit to

The time frame of history features a horribly cruel leader of the romans who persecuted Christians greatly. His name was Nero. As Paul was in this prison he was most likely awaiting his trial in Rome which could end in the death penalty. He has all the reason to be anxious or worried about himself yet we see this man selflessly concerned about his friends instead. This is remarkable. We will see also how we too can be like Paul when we are tempted to worry.
Read this then answer the questions below.
Circle Holy Spirit and Spirit of Jesus
Underline each place mentioned

Next Paul and Silas traveled through the area of Phrygia and Galatia, because the Holy Spirit had prevented them from preaching the word in the province of Asia at that time. Then coming to the borders of Mysia, they headed north for the province of Bithynia,but again the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them to go there. So instead, they went on through Mysia to the seaport of Troas.
That night Paul had a vision: A man from Macedonia in northern Greece was standing there, pleading with him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us!” So we decided to leave for Macedonia at once, having concluded that God was calling us to preach the Good News there. Acts 16:6-10

1-Why could Paul not go to Asia?
2-Why did Paul go to Macedonia?

Macedonia is where Philippi is located. I think this is so important for you to take notice of. God moved Paul to Philippi to establish this church by sharing the good news of the gospel. This is how his relationship with these people started.

Think About It.
Do you have any friends you know that God placed in your life for a significant purpose or reason? If yes, do you value those friendships? If no, ask God to do that for you. Do you share the gospel with those friends?

Just so we are clear, the gospel, is the good news that because we are sinners by birth, Jesus came and lived the perfect life we could not live then died as the perfect sacrifice once and all for all of our sins then three days later rose from the dead defeating all death and sin. So if you believe what Jesus did for you, God sees you as if you lived that perfect life Jesus lived. Pretty amazing news right? Good enough to share! And news we need to remind ourselves of everyday especially when we mess up. God does not see the failure, He sees perfection in Christ. Now that is grace!

Great work today! It was a lot to take in for day one. Keep it up!

Today let’s look at the first two verses of this letter.

“Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus,
To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:1-2, NIV).

Paul is with his friend Timothy. Timothy is a younger friend who is helping Paul. Paul is a father like figure to Timothy.

How do you identify yourself when you introduce yourself to someone else?

Paul introduces them in this letter as servants of Jesus. In fact this word can actually be slave. Is this a prestigious title? Hi my name is Angela and I am a slave? But Paul takes pride in this title. It is of great joy he is a servant of Christ even after all the hardships he has faced. I love his faith, don’t you?
He is writing to all the believers in this city of Philippi. He is also including the leaders of the church. It is good that we give them special recognition for serving us while they do God’s work.

Do you ever think about this? Do you ever thank your pastor for his hard work of service?
Then they open this letter as a standard greeting of the times. It is going to them in grace and peace that comes from God. He is the only one who can give us ultimate grace and peace.

Think About It
Nero was an evil emperor who hated Christians. At the time he wrote down many things. So did the apostle Paul. Now looking ahead to our day what writings remain? Tons of Bibles are all around us that include Paul’s letters. Did you know none of Nero’s writings survived? God is in control despite the circumstances. His word is true and unending. It will remain.
This was a shorter day but good work! Keep up the good work of studying His word! It is what is useful for us in all things.

Read the following passage and take note of what Paul is thankful for.

Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. So it is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a special place in my heart. You share with me the special favor of God, both in my imprisonment and in defending and confirming the truth of the Good News. God knows how much I love you and long for you with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:3-8).

1-Is there someone that you can give thanks to God for every time you think of them?
2-Are you the type of person that people can be thankful for when they think of you?
3-How have these people been partners with Paul? (in the 2nd sentence)
These friends in Philippi were faithful in sharing the gospel with others. Paul is encouraged to hear and see this. He is genuinely thankful for them. He is certain of something too. What is he certain of? Find that word certain and write down what he is certain of.

Paul was convinced that God who began a good work in them would bring it to full completion. Do you feel this way about others in your own life? When you look at them now they are not perfect but God has begun a work in their lives. In this view can you trust God to bring it fully to completion? There are some people it is easier for me to see this in than others.

However, in your home especially with your brothers and sisters, consider that God created them in His image. He will finish the good work in them He started. It is His promise. We must trust it. Or even if you are frustrated with yourself for not being as close to God as you like, trust God is working in you and will finish His work in your life. We can trust Him in this and His promises.
Paul has a special place in his heart for these friends. They are true friends who do not desert him while he is in prison. They continue to remain concerned and care for him even though this could be embarrassing. They are true friends.

Think About It
1-Do you have friends like Paul has here? If you did something embarrassing would they still remain faithful friends? Faithful friends who love you for you are the best kind. Maybe you could take time today to pray for one of your faithful friends. Maybe you could even take time to write them a card thanking them for their friendship.
2-When you are frustrated with someone but especially a fellow Christian; can you trust that God is working in their life? When you feel this particular frustration remember God is working in them until they are complete just as He is working in you. He is always using all things in our lives to mold and change us more and more into His image.
3-Paul is thinking of others in his time of trial in this prison. This is part of the secret of his ability to have joy in these hard circumstances. Think about how often you think of others vs. thinking of yourself today. Just take note of it. We will discuss it more later.

Read this next section of Paul’s letter. It is a prayer.
“I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return.  May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God” (Philippians 1:9-11).

This is a great prayer to pray for anyone you know! Why don’t you take time to memorize it today? A tip to make this easier is to read it 7 times. Slowly read and let it sink in. Then try to say it line by line until you got it. Next try to write it without looking several times. This is hiding God’s word in your heart and is a good practice. This is all you need to do today.

Did you try to memorize yesterday? How did you do?
Reread the passage Philippians 1:9-11.
In the first sentence what does Paul pray about their love?
Then what does he pray about them growing?
Next what does he want them to understand?
Why does he want them to understand this?
What does he want them to be filled with always?
This is a beautiful prayer. Since you are working on memorizing it why not pray it for your friends? God hears our prayers. He is true to His promises so praying Scripture is a great way to pray. 

Think About It
1-Are people drawn to Jesus by others when they are loving or condemning? Why?
2-Have you seen an example of this?
3-Do you use a benefit to memorizing Scriptures? Why or why not?
Take time to pray this Scripture for your friends.
4-Do you make it your goal to bring glory to God or yourself? The prayer Paul is praying for these friends is a prayer for God’s glory.

Great job this week! Keep it up! His word is so important to hold in your heart.

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