Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Son, You No Longer Need to Eat the Crumbs -- Believe Your New Reality

"It doesn’t matter whether we have been circumcised or not. What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation. May God’s peace and mercy be upon all who live by this principle; they are the new people of God," Galatians 6:15-16.

My son often grabs a cookie or piece of candy from the floor among dust and dirt. It is like he has an eye for this treasure. I am thankful he asks me if he can eat it first because as his mom it is my job to tell him that this is not a treasure at all. In fact, it could make him sick since it has been on the ground where disgusting shoes travel that pick up all kinds of germs.

Upon his latest discovery, which makes him so excited, of a cookie on the floor destined for the garbage but I had not yet swept up he asks excitedly, "Can I eat this cookie?" I reply, "No son that one is dirty." He trusts me which is a miracle because in his early years he was deprived of food. I know he had to scavenge for food so floor food was probably indeed a treasure. But not anymore. I am not sure how long it takes one to get over this. It must be believing what his new reality now is instead of remaining in the past.

I took him to the cupboard and opened it up to retrieve a new box of cookies which I gave him a few. I told him these are the good ones and reminded him we don't eat the scraps.

It reminds me of how God our Father must view us. If we are in Him we fully belong to Him. We are part of the royal family with all the rights and privilege that are inherited there. All the promises are ours. We are a new creation yet we continue to settle for crumbs. We don't believe that God the good Father has better for us. We settle for what we knew. We frown at grace because we feel like we are not worth more than crumbs. But this is so far from the truth. He has the delicacies displayed for us to dig into. Can we trust Him for them? Can we believe in faith and not settle for second best?

Lord help me to do this as your blessed princess, fully redeemed and adopted in Christ Jesus.

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