Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Why Marriage Matters - Why We Must Take a Stand


Simply put, and if you do not read any further this is what you need to get from the true Christian perspective, marriage is a sacred union that is meant to represent the relationship of Christ and His church to the world. Period. (Ephesians 5).

What is sacred we cannot tolerate anyone trampling on. Marriage is sacred ground not to be entered into lightly but so holy you need to remove your shoes to enter into its holiness. It is not something to do to make you happy yet the joys of if its rapture are unspeakable. It is only but a shadow of what the final consummation will be of Christ uniting fully with His church. The beautiful bride He is coming back for that is making herself ready as we wait for His return (Revelation 19). It is an indescribable mystery yet God has given us a shadow of it through imperfect human marriage. What grace.

We ruin this image through adultery, divorce, same sex marriage, sex before marriage, and marriage of more than one individual. None of these things are God's plan for marriage. None of them appropriately reflect the image of Christ and His church the great romance of the  ages. We live in a broken world here. We groan and wait for His return yet while we are here we need to treat what is sacred as sacred (Hebrews 13:4). When you take away the institution of marriage defined as the union of one man and one woman that is suppose to be an everlasting covenant you trample on what is holy.

This is not hate speech. This is not condemnation, for if you are in HIM there is no condemnation for you. I have desecrated holy ground. I am a sinner. I know the bite of trampling the holy very personally. Yet my Savior, Jesus Christ, has forgiven me, loved me, and saved me from treading on dangerous ground. I get it. We want to be "happy". We run to all things that we think will make us happy. However wherever your search takes you the only place to be completely full of joy is in HIM. Every other false pursuit is the search that without Him will leave you empty.

The picture of marriage needs to be protected, It needs to point us to Christ. It needs to help us remember that He is coming back for us because while He is away He is preparing a place for us. It was the first human institution made because He saw it fit that it was not good for man to be alone. He created woman to complement. It is only in this union that life reflects Him more clearly.  (Genesis 1-3)

How is it that America has become so sensitive to others beliefs besides those of the Christian? We tolerate so many absurdities because of the love of humanity. We are free to worship whatever we want. I respect that though I may not agree. The institution of marriage is a big deal to Christians. It needs to be protected like other religions have what they would call as sacred. I do not go trampling those things. This issue is one that we must stand up for. We must protect for the sake of Christ.

So today we will eat at Chick Fil A though this is not about chicken. We do it because as believers we need to support one another and aid one another when being attacked for our beliefs. Christ tells us we are blessed when we are persecuted for His names sake and Lord forbid it be happening here in the land of the free that we call America. The land that was founded on these Christian principles. The land where many lives shed blood for them. Lord help us.

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