Sunday, August 26, 2012

Helping Others is not Easy but Necessary - Living Love

Picture taken from Rock the Capital.

If you saw a kid homeless on the street, would you just walk on  by or would you have a desire to rescue him from that life?

If he didn't have parents would you give him a home?

I hope your answer is yes that you would do everything in your power to help otherwise I would question your humanness.

Now what if he did have parents? Yet what if the parents are not willing to take the steps to get their children to security? Or worse they are hurting these children in some way?

What then?

Then it is a mess - a full blown mess.

Usually in America the government intervenes. The kids would go into "the system." Clear lines would be drawn for the parents to follow. If they chose not to follow these given lines (despite the vast number of resources provided them) they forfeit their parental rights, making them wards of the state deeming them adoptable.

Giving them the opportunity to have stability though it is through broken places. Hopefully a forever family who will provide love and stability will rise up and fill the void the original parents forfeited. It was their God-given role but it is forfeited due to their sin.

Now what if you were that family who jumped into the mess keeping the kids out of the "system"? What if things were not changing? What if the rightful God-given parents refused to fight for stability and the very lives of their children? Would you risk it all to save them? Would you enter into that mess? Would you do whatever it takes to provide love and stability? Would you love them like your own? Would you turn your head and walk away? That would be easier yet we know it is not right.

These things are messy and full of uncomfortable emotions. It takes a lot of patient endurance and selfless love. Sometimes loving someone well is choosing the hard things. People will be hurt through this brokenness through entering into it.


God can use brokenness. He became broken and died, later raised to life so that things can be reconciled, redeemed, healed, and restored. He is amazing and all I know is we can always trust Him. We must. Otherwise we miss living life to the full. Fully embracing it. We can chose to numb ourselves out of the pain, or we can look to the One who endured all pain. The One who gives us hope. There are so many orphans in the world today. It breaks God's heart. It should break ours. How is God calling you to help? How can I pray for you? It will not be easy, no true sacrifice is. Yet we can do the hard things because He has done them first. He fills us with His Spirit and in turn we can live fully for HIM no matter how hard.

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