Friday, August 8, 2008

Take Nothing withYou

Wow-you have no idea how much I needed to make this post! I am so praising God for all of you! You just have no idea how theurapeutic this is and the fact you take the time to read and encourage me. You are something! :)

So we arrived yesterday and so far I have to tell you I have learned one thing about myself-I am SPOILED. Seriously. I hit a very low point around 6pm Malta time. If you were praying then I so needed it. I was running on over 24 hours of no sleep only to find my luggage not greeting me at the final destination. Oh no! Is that what Jesus meant when He told the disciples to take nothing with them when He sent them out? But I am a GIRL. :(

All was okay at first. Seriously it was only stuff but then I had to go and starting thinking about it. Not a good thing. Then I started to cross over the crankiness barrier. Oh help me now. Finally I hit the almost no return self-pity place of comfort. I seriously wanted to die.

Things so far have not been as I expected in my Pollyanna mind. Yet God has things He is breaking me still from. Every thing is not PollyAnna and it is about time I start realizing that.

I love all things international. International and PollyAnna do not quite mix. I am learning. So. I FINALLY make it to a bed and start some more thinking. Self pity feels good.

I am able to get alone with God and journal my feelings-dangerous no one wants to tread there. But God is good and He is good with it.

I finally get ahold of my man who I am convinced is my perfect gift of a rock of God in the flesh. Just a piece of Him to me. I think I may change his name to Peter. Anyway, I get ahold of him and he prays with me and speaks to me in the only way any one person in the world can. He points me back to my Father and reminds me of this call He gave both of us for me to be here. God has some big things I have to believe by faith because most likely my eyes will not see them. Oh Lord forgive me for my lack of it. I love my man!

God has given me so many blessings along the way to help with the sleep deprivation factor. Precious people and children. He is so good.

This morning I awoke up to a phone call-it was my bag! Yes. It was worth the migraine complete with aura I had to wake up to. Oh this body of mine!

So if you have beared with me on this crazy rambling post-I want to let you know all is well and it would have been luggage or not. But a new set of clothes is good and I was not looking forward to the underwear I washed by hand in the sink and blow dried! SPOILED I tell you.

Okay well, some serious sides of prayer.
PollyAnna thought that since this is a English speaking country it would be like home. Well I was greatly mistaken-it is so much harder to understand. That is nothing with God so please ask Him to break down that barrier.

Our team was operating on exhaustion-help us to love one another and have one heart and Spirit.

Help us to maintain unity in this work. Five different personalities can present some difficulties.

Pray Satan will be hindered from anything else to distract us.

Pray for the hearts of these precious people and our divine encounters.

Okay well I love you all. I hope you could make sense of my ramblings AND I am not even proofing or spell checking this today-so your getting it raw today.
Bye for now and hopefully I will be back later in the week to post again. Until then I do have some scheduled posts going out!


Kay Martin said...

Dearest Angela,

As friend I don't want you to hurt or be deprived of anything you desire. But as your sister in Christ I would never want you to miss the wild wild exciting adventure our Father has invited you to join Him on.

This is the main thing!!! You're like the football player carrying the ball to the goal. The other team has turned all attention to interrupting your sprint. You will accomplish your task. You will not lose your focus. You see the hearts of the people and You will flow in the LOVE of Father God.

Souls "see" and embrace our Lord. The sick are healed and the glory is to God Almighty. The presence of the Lord surrounds you every minute. In His presence all is well.

Hallelujah! Holy Holy Holy.

Beams of Light Ministries said...


Keep the right focus. God is still in control! Be a blessing!

Love you,

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