Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Contest and a Tag

Well it is about time we have a winner for my contest here.
There were only three of you who commented so it was an easy random drawing and the winner is Kay. Also, if you want a good read go check out her blog.

When you are out of the country it seems hard to catch up on things. So now I am participating in this tag that I got from both Amy and Micca.

These girls have both been such a blessing to me and my life. I praise God for their friendships and the different things that each one bring to me and my life. I am better off for knowing them. I would have to call them iron because after any time with either of them I feel sharpened. They are a true treasure. The kind that God just allows to fall into your life. The story of how I met each of them is so like God. Maybe I will share it one day. I think that is an especially funny story since they both tagged me at the same time! Anyway, check out their blogs it is well worth your time. They both are women who deeply love God and you are just better off being around them.

Here are the Rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you-I did above.
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up

Now for six random things about myself:
1. I love all things international. I would learn every language if I had the time and brain power to do it.
2. A really funny thing to me is that most people say I just exude joy. People also say I am really easy to talk to. Now the truth about what is going on on the inside is I am so stinking nervous to talk to anyone! I am a introvert extreme. However, God always has plans to get me out of my comfort zone!
3. I am realizing that my Starbucks Mocha kick may not be the best thing. It is comparable to a cigarette addiction.
4. I love history. Especially Bible history and all things Old Testament.
5. My favorite music type is Hip Hop so I am so glad for Toby Mac and the like. A girl's gotta get her groove on.
6. This is so sad to admit but the biggest regret I have about being in Malta is that I missed the final episode of "So You Think You Can Dance." That is really sad to admit but I am a SERIOUS fan. :)

So, I am now tagging six people.

Kay at Thrive Christians. Kay has such a heart for the Lord and for people. She is such an inspiration to me. I was blessed to meet her at She Speaks this year.

Susan at Adventurous Living is always a blessing to read. I always come away wanting to grow closer to God. I am interested in her random things.

Mariel at Growing in Godliness is always challenging me to dive deeper in the word of God. Her blog continues to bless me and challenge me to grow in Him.

Sanya at Beams of Light is a real life friend I have met as well. I met her at She Speaks the first year I went. She was glowing Jesus. I will never forget her face. Beams of Light describes her well.

Cheri at Just Another Day In Paradise is always fun to read as well. She is such a good mom, wife, and sister. It is always encouraging and a blessing to read about her family and life.

Susan at Fab Five is a brand new blogger but a real life friend. She is such a blessing to me and has moved away from our area. I do hope her blog will keep us updated and in touch. Go show her some bloggy love.

So no pressure but if you want to do this then I am interested in your responses!


Little Steps Of Faith said...

Hey ang...
sorry I haven't gotten back to you in awhile. I have more time at the moment, up until school gets insane.
I've been living in Ephesians for the last month, so I havent been paying attention to much else...I am only on Ch 2...but God shows me so much between the lines in the world...its insane:) I love Him:) Anyway, I have a new

Figured you might want to know:)

Alright my writing sister:) I love you, be blessed:)

Kay Martin said...

Thank you for all the sweet things you have written on your blog about me and Thrive Christians. You are the inspiration. You moms homeschooling and having enough mind and strength to do ministry beyond that is mind blowing to me. I admire all of you more than I can express myself.

Community of believers loving and encouraging one another is clearly God's way especially shown after Pentecost in the Bible. Being new to blogging I am amazed at the depth of koinia I am receiving through you and others in the Christian blogging world. My prayer is that the church leaders come to know this world of new media because it is important in fulfilling the Great Commisssion.

Again, I am so thankful to She Speaks for many are way up near the top of that list.

God bless and keep you and yours.
Magnify what You did in Angela in Malta, I pray, Father.

mariel said...

Thanks for the tag and the kind words! You are so precious! I did this meme a while back (I think you were gone then)...but I will ask my hubby if he can think of 6 random things about me...this should be interesting!! haha! I'll let ya know when I post it!!

Beams of Light Ministries said...


I accept the tag and will post a lot of my plate at the moment, but I wanted to thank you for your kind words. It makes me wonder if we know the same person...when I look in the mirror, well...I'd never say what you've said - you're such an encouragement to me. Thank you my dear friend. God knew what He was doing when He allowed our paths to cross!

Micca said...

What can I say about Amy and me tagging you at the same time but...great minds think alike! And they have friends with great minds, too!

I'm really sleepy...can you tell?
love you,

Susan Skitt said...

Hey girlie girl, thanks for the tag :) I'll do it soon!

How interesting about loving international things. My oldest son is going into eleventh grade and it seems that God has put that very same love in His heart too, isn't it astounding how God works?

And about Starbucks drink additions, I totally understand, except mine is chocolate. I went on a one month fast from it and came away alittle less addicted, but now this summer I've discovered their new Orange/Mango Vivano. Hey, at least it has a whole banana in it!!!

And I will have to agree with the conclusion that you are joy filled. Your writing exudes it, even when you get frustrated about something, you find the joy of the Lord to be your strength and that is a beautiful thing.

Susan from Adventurous Living

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