Sunday, November 15, 2020

Is It Abuse? By Strickland

This book is a must-read for the church today. Too often we have given good intentioned or naive advice to people suffering intensely in relationships without wisdom. This needs to stop now. God has a lot to say about abuse. We must know what His word says to be wise counselors to people in these difficult situations. That is where this book comes in hand. It helps show you what the word of God says and how to walk it out appropriately with those who are suffering. We must be able to do this well as a church to really help the hurting. 

As a biblical counselor, I recommend this as a must-read. I think it is a resource that will be used over and over again. Sadly, cases of abuse are on the rise so we need to know how to identify it and help. We are privileged to hear someone's story if they share it so when we do hear hard stories we need wisdom to know how to help instead of hurt. This is for everyone. Not just counselors.

I did receive a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher but also purchased my own because it is a book I will use over and over again.

You can get a copy of this book from Amazon here. 

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