I have been greatly impacted by the writings of C.S. Lewis so it was natural for me to have a desire to review this title. It was a good book that detailed various aspects of C.S. Lewis's life. There were several contributors which made the book enjoyable because of the different writing styles. Because of the different contributors, naturally, certain readers will prefer some over others which works brilliantly to make this book versatile for a wider audience.
C.S. Lewis is a well loved influential Christian that it benefits others to know more about. Knowing more about strong Christians from our past serves to help us grow in Christ. I found this book to be both challenging and informative. Any reader will grow in their walk as they are challenged by Lewis's thought and life.
One particular way this book challenged me was in using my imagination. God does sanctify our imaginations and Lewis's literary genius was because of God's gifting him that way. Lewis could write an incredible fiction piece from a Christian worldview and also write some deeper theological non-fiction pieces that were just as good. He was not educated in theology but literature so he did not claim to be an expert but did write some amazingly moving things that still impact generations. This inspired me in my own writing. I can stretch myself more in who Christ made me to be instead of trying to fit a certain mold that may work for others. In fact the variety of writing by the various contributors also helped me see this. In a way this book was freeing for me as I use my own God given giftedness in Christ.
I am thankful for this title and do recommend it to anyone wanting to know more about Lewis or who want to be inspired.
I received a copy of this book free of charge from Crossway for the purpose of an honest review.
You can get a copy of this review from Amazon here.
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