Saturday, June 23, 2012

30 Day Sibling Challenge - Day Twenty-Three


Dav Twenty-Three – Sad Sisters
Today I want us to look at some sisters. Their family was pretty deceptive. I think it would be safe to assume they grew up understanding manipulation as a way of life. After all we learn from what is modeled in front of us. We do not have to choose those ways in the end but often do unless we make a clear and conscious effort to turn away.

You will read about these two sisters in Genesis 29 and 30. I am not sure if they were close or not before the incident however, after the incident there was great strife and competition between them. Read the accounts of Jacob finding his relatives and choosing a wife.

What we do know is that Leah was the oldest, she had weak eyes which is uncertain to the full meaning but probably means she was not really good looking.

However what we know about Rachel is she is younger than Leah, had a lovely figure and face. She was also a shepherdess. Jacob probably worked side by side with her as he worked for his uncle. Jacob was really in love with her.

I wonder what it was like for Leah growing up in the shadow of the pretty one, the baby of the family? I wonder if many people made reference to this? I wonder if this was why she was not yet married? I wondered if it bothered her? Either way what we given to these sisters was wrong.

Laban tricked Jacob by giving Leah to him in marriage in the dark. In the morning he discovers the deception and is hurt and angry. Laban then agrees to give Rachel to him too if he agrees to work another seven years.

My thoughts here are how did these sisters handle this abuse at the hands of their father? Did Rachel just die inside knowing her sister was taking her wedding day? Did Leah feel like she had to go along with this? Then how did she feel when Rachel, the pretty one also became a wife of Jacobs? So many unknowns.
What we do know if it drove a serious wedge between then. An unhealthy child bearing competition started between them. Instead of supporting one another they were rivaling one another. Sadly having to live very close to one another in the process. It affected their children. Joseph in fact was a child of Rachel.
If these sisters made the effort to get along and make the best of what life had handed them perhaps their children would have gotten along. Perhaps there would not be blatant favorites. Perhaps they would not be prompted to treat Joseph the way they did. We cannot know. It is a tragedy they had to live in this whole mess. 

Romans 15:4 says that everything written in the past is to teach us. I believe this story can teach us that no matter what we need to make every effort to do what is right. We need to support and love our siblings. We do not need to end up like these sisters.

Today’s Action
What area is it that you are most tempted to be jealous of your sibling(s) due to their skills or make up? Is it beauty? Athleticism? Other talents?

Parent’s Action
Help your children with this. Help them truly support one another’s gifts and talents.

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