I am a firm believe in complete freedom in Christ. Scripture states that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. If you are a believer in Christ Jesus then the Holy Spirit indwells within you. If that is the case we are to live in freedom in Christ. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide each one of us in this area of our lives. What a sweet relief to know that.
Since I am passionate about freedom in Christ I was so excited to review this book. Unfortunately it was not what I thought it would be. I really do not like to write a negative review. I really only want to use words to build others up. This is really hard. I had the hardest time getting through this book though and I have to be honest. I just could not relate completely with the author. I agreed with lots of what he said but there was just something that didn't sit well. I know that sounds vague. Like I stated before in a review I did earlier, some books are for certain seasons of life. This was probably just not the season for me.
One other thing I would change about this book is the cover design. I really did not like the look of it. I almost didn't chose it because of the cover. I should have trusted my instinct in that. Maybe you will find this book to be helpful. I did find some good things in it that God did use. I love how He always does that. Anyway, I would love to know what you thought about the book if you get a chance to read it.
To purchase a copy of this book from the publisher go here.
Hey friend - reading with a discerning heart is key - not all things in print are God honoring or truth Anyway just felt I needed to say that to you so that you don't feel bad about not always agreeing :)
Read on sweet friend - read on! :)
Hi Angela,
Thanks for your honest review. At least the red cover grabs one's attention!
Just stopped by to say Hi!... wondering how you're doing. Healthy?
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