Friday, December 12, 2008

Hanging with God in the MRI Machine


Please don't think I take the phrase "hanging with God" lightly. It does seem that too often these days we treat God in all His holiness and splendor as casual. There is a perfect balance in knowing the fear of the Lord in our relationship with Him. I am fully in awe of Him and aware of His greatness. He is just too much to grasp. His goodness is so amazing to me. Yet in all of Him He desires my friendship. Isn't that astounding? He wants yours too, dear one.

Back to the hanging part. I posted a bit back about having optic neuritis. Because of that and complicated migraines, I had to get another MRI. Strangely wearing a fake football helmet, lying on a hard table that is then inserted into a tight circular machine does not bother me much. Even in its constant noise and loud beats, it is a time of peace for me. I can lay there and be alone with God. It is those times in which I am thankful for.

It seems things get so fast paced, especially this time of year. The truth is this time of year especially we should be slowing down. Taking time to reflect on the greatness of our God. Time to remember how much He loved us to limit Himself to a fleshly body. Time to remember how He endured death on a cross because He loves us so. That poor baby we see in the manger knew He came to die. But His death beat our death. Three days later He arose. Then sending His Holy Spirit to always lead and guide us. Does that just amaze you or what?

I just wanted to encourage us to just take time to sit and hang out with God. Talk to Him and let Him speak back to you. What is on His mind? Do you take the time to just sit in His presence? I thought it was funny it took a forced MRI appointment to sink that thought into my head. So, let's make it a priority to start hanging out with God more voluntarily! :)


Dorothy Champagne said...

You're right - in this time of year where we are supposed to remember Jesus and stop to honor his birth and sacrifice, we are usually much too hurried to do that. Thank you for the reminder.

mariel said...

great reminder! Praying your test results come out ok and a correct diagnosis is made.

Kay Martin said...

This economy has slowed down folks. Even people without money crunches are finding that the hustle bustle just isn't in them. I don't want anyone to be in need and I know people are. But we need to get our heads and hearts right about what God has always had in mind about the celebration of HIs Son's birth as human.

Perhaps we must have this wake up call. He is the reason for life; and He is the focus of Christmas.

Hoping the MRI results are more encouaging news.

ocean mommy said...

Such a good reminder!!!

(Is it bad that I felt my heart rate go up the minute you started describing the helmet and the tube!!!)


Christina said...

I am praying for you. I'm glad to hear that the MRI wasn't so bad. I know some people absolutely hate them, but turning them into quiet time with God is a great idea.

e&k said...

hey ang, i like your new blog layout, cute! love you!!!

Faith said...

I've had a bunch of MRIs and definitely pray during all of them, but never viewed them quite in the light you do. I like that. :) I'll be eager to hear the results; hope all is well with you, dear one!

Unknown said...

I recently just had my first MRI and they called it 'An Open MRI', yeah right, my face was still like an inch from the top scanner thingy.

Anyway, what I'd like to say, is I'll be praying for you as you await the results and aren't on pins and needles as you do.

I'm sure you'll let us know how things turned out but I'll check back often to read up on it. Hoping and praying the best for you!

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