Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Blessing from God through Jan Silvious

The prison ministry Kara @ Mommy Dot Com and I volunteer for had a very special Christmas dinner for the ladies and volunteers. Jan Silvious came and spoke to the group. She had a very special blessing for each one attending as well. Read Kara's account here.

I did RSVP to attend but that day I woke up with a horrible migraine. It was the kind of migraine where I could not even move without my head throbbing terribly. I was so sad that I had to cancel being there. Actually my feelings were hurt about it. I could not understand why God would not take that illness away. If He did not there was no way that I could be there. The door was closed. I was sad but I determined to at least pray for the event and people.

After the event Kara called and told me that it was such a great night. So many women were so blessed. She told me that she had a prayer blessing to read for me. I had one written for me too because I was suppose to be there. It was amazing to me what it read:
"I pray that God, who gives peace, will make you completely holy. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept healthy and faultless until our Lord Jesus Christ returns. The one who chose you can be trusted, and He will do this!" Based on 1 Thessalonians 5:23.

That was such a sweet confirmation that God has my health in His hands. He will kept me healthy in His ways. He chose me and can be trusted in all things. He will do it. I just have to rest in Him. He is teaching me to be content in all circumstances. That blessing meant much more in my current circumstances then it would have if I would have been present.

I knew this was God just showing me His love and reminding me to trust Him as He teaches me the things I need to know. Jan does not know me well enough to know that I constantly battle with my health. She didn't know these personal things. God does though and He used her in a special way to communicate that love to me.


ocean mommy said...

Angela...this gives me chills. I love how God gave Jan that blessing for you! So like Him isn't it!!

Love you!

Cheri said...

What a great hug from God. I bet that put a huge smile on your face!
Hope the migraine is going away quickly.

Kathy said...

I LOVE God stories like that! It's a promise He's making you, which is even neater on the brink of a fresh new year. Love ya!

Susan Skitt said...

God has different ways of working with us, doesn't he? I'm sorry that you suffer so much with migranes. I used to get them terrible when I was younger.

In our sufferings, I have been learning that we can identify with the One who suffered for us on the cross in a new way.

Susannah said...

I love it when that happens... when God speaks directly to my situation through someone else.

I suppose each one of us has a health challenge or two. The Lord knows, and CARES.


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