Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I am have been a bit "off" lately when it has come to this blogging and weekly
devotional writing. I have been in more of a learning mode lately with God. He has been teaching me so much about love. What love
really is all about. God has given me some great examples to model in my life.

One instance is someone close to me who has been wronged so severely that the damage caused them the loss of all they had. They were forced into bankruptcy and starting over life at close to 50. They actually had to live out of their camper for some time because of the way their world was shaken suddenly. But as God always provides they were taken care of. He provided shelter and food. They experienced some rough times but it strengthened them in the end. The perpetrator still comes in contact with them from time to time. It amazes me at the love and grace the hurt person exhibits toward him. Even though life was interrupted due to this persons selfishness, the victim still will sit with him and is civil in better words loving toward him. I asked how this was possible and the response that I was given was "I nailed the wrong to the cross. Jesus took it and it no longer belongs to me." The perp never has offered to make the situation right yet the victim still remains in love. It amazes me.

The other is another dear close person in my life. He has been married 7 years and has an almost 6 year old. The other half of this relationship says that she does not want to be in this marriage any longer. She says perhaps she was too young to get married. She wants to experience life without him. He has asked her to come to counseling with him. Perhaps the problems can be worked out. She will not have that. She is tired of being married. How is his response? He is kind and acts in love. He extends the very hands of Christ to her even though he has been severely wronged.

They were both people I dearly love who were unexpectantly thrown into a pit. Yet they both responded in love. Oh the lessons and things I learn from their situations. I am blessed to watch and see the love of Christ radiate through their lives. Love covers over a multitude of sins. I am learning so much from their example. If you are struggling with life or unfortunate circumstances know that people are watching you walk through them. People are learning how to handle rough situations from your life and example. Walk through it with love and grace and God will take care of the rest.

1 comment:

ocean mommy said...

This is a great post. I love you girl!

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