Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chronic Illness and Marriage

When you stand at the altar and say those words, "in sickness and health, I DO." In most cases you do not realize that sickness will come. Many times you are young and healthy and are all gaga over the one who stands beside you. The one who will be your best friend and lover til death do you part.

Not much thought is placed on taking care of a chronically ill spouse. Why would you think about this? We should not dwell on what ifs. But if it happens our expectations may be broken. It is a hard reality to face when you lose your health. You know you are no longer invincible. This realization comes to all of us at some time in our lives because our bodies are in the process of dying. Yet it comes to some sooner than others. This world and our bodies are not what they were meant to be. One day we will be what we were meant to be if we belong to Jesus. If He is your Lord you can look forward to that day with great hope. Do you know Him? On that day all things will be restored.

I write this post today as I struggle with a complicated migraine. I cannot speak words or express emotion without excruciating pain. However, I can read and write with minimal pain. It is doable. I must tell you that this life of chronic complicated migraine is not what I had hoped for. I am sure it is not what my husband hoped for either. As I suffer through things like this I get to see a beautiful picture of my spouse sacrificing to serve me. It is a beautiful picture of Christ-likeness.

I also get to experience humility as I let people help me. This is a huge deal for me. I want control of how my house runs. It is hard to do in this condition. However, I trust my girls and husband to keep things going. The world does not revolve around me. It helps us to work together as a team.

I know my husband did not know that from the very beginning of our marriage he would often become my care taker. Yet in this role I get to see the sweet character of Jesus in Him. I get to experience intimacy with him in special ways. I get to see the fullness of self sacrificing love. This man has carried me when my legs had stopped working, he has held my hair as I have emptied my stomach in the toilet, he has left fun and important things to help me. This is just a tiny portion of what he has endured with me. I am forever grateful and thankful for him. Through it we get to experience a deeper kind of love. A true love that is lasting. In this I can be thankful. I may never understand or know the why of this enduring suffering in our lives but as long as I can see God growing us it is something we can live with until God desires to heal. We trust Him and His timing.

Are you experiencing a chronic condition? Put your hope in Christ. If you would like someone who understands to pray for you leave a comment or email me.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

It's wonderful how God hand picks our spouses - I know Shane has been there many many times for me - and I am blessed to be able to walk with him in his diabetes - God is gracious to us. Thankful for your testimony x

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