Saturday, April 23, 2011

Book Review: Transforming Prayer by Daniel Henderson

I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the sake of an honest review.

I have to say I really loved this book. I read a lot on prayer because I am so fascinated that God works through prayer. He does not need us but desires relationship with us. He loves when we communicate with Him. Just like any relationship it would not be strong if you just stopped talking to the other person. We serve an alive King who desires relationship with us. So amazing.

This book discusses what the author calls worship-based prayer. This type of praying is the practice of seeking God's face instead of His hand. I really liked the concept. It follows a basic guideline of the Lord's Prayer. It is very focused on praying Scripture and worshiping God for who He is. There is a time for our requests as the Lord's prayer teaches but the way worship-based prayer is laid out is by putting God first instead of just taking out a prayer list and rambling off requests. It is a relational way to pray. I really enjoyed it because I have been so guilty of just rambling a list of requests. I needed this reminder of what prayer really is about. I think anyone would enjoy this read. It really helps you refocus on God which is the point.

Also if anyone is interested in reviewing for Bethany go to this link. I have enjoyed reviewing for them.

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