Friendships can be incredibly hard at times. I have some friends who seem more “spiritual” because they never give you a direct answer to a question as simple as, “can you help me out with this?” I get that we need to speak to God about everything we do. But to me that seems to be more of a pray without ceasing kind of issue.
If we are truly praying without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) like Scripture states then shouldn’t we be able to get a sense by the Holy Spirit (who lives within us in power) to a simple question like that? God usually just gives me a peace about some things and uneasiness about others. Yet still my feelings about something can betray me. Sometimes it is just doing something by faith because after all everything that does not come from faith is sin (Romans 14:23). Hoping this can still be applied though it is used in a different context here.
Sometimes I just don’t know how to respond to this behavior. There are times that it takes so long for an answer to come that I think it is just procrastination. Let us just let our yes be yes and our no be no (James 5:12). It can be that simple. However, I think we try to complicate things by thinking too hard. I am preaching to the choir when I say this because I am saying it as much to myself.
We can get into wrong motives in our decisions so that is a good time to sit with God and let Him search our hearts. We sometimes need to see the why or why not of situations. Like, do I not want to do this because I am being selfish? Or do I want to do this because it will make me look good? So many heart questions to address here. Also, sometimes we just need to say no because we are stretching ourselves thin. But we should know that and feel confident enough in our Lord to say no when this situation arises.
We also have been given certain gifts and abilities so serving in those areas should be first and foremost. The areas that bring God the most glory. For instance today I was at the grocery store. There was an elderly couple in front of me who did not have enough money for their remaining groceries. I overheard this conversation; I eyed the amount of groceries in their cart and knew that I could cover that expense. I offered to pay for the remaining. Now, as this was going on my only motivation that I am aware of is Christ. I want to bring glory to Him. His Word talks of helping those in distress and the poor. So to me this was a no brainer. God provided the finances for this and it was in line with His Word so I responded. (The couple did not receive this help but that is another story.)
I believe whole heartedly that God speaks to us. He communicates to us regularly because He lives in us. He is always accessible. The problems come when we do not listen or try to take things on ourselves. It is not that hard to just sit with Him and know what the right thing is to do. We have the Scriptures, we have His Spirit. It is and can be that simple. Unfortunately sin complicates things. Mostly that sin comes in the form of selfishness. So what do we do? Agree to encourage one another in the truth of His word and speak to one another in the truth of His word. Be honest, peace-loving, pure, and love one another with a pure heart. I may be overly simplistic but this one relationship with Christ is one that is not supposed to be that hard. Let us keep our eyes fixed on Him the author and perfecter of our faith who for the joy set before Him endured the cross scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2).
I am so grateful to find another child of God who struggles with this and can then articulate something that has plagued me for years. Thanks for putting it into words.
Perfectly put - I can't tell you how many time the "I'll pray about it" line has been used on me. And yet you can't say much in response to it because that sounds do right. But when it comes to the realm os simple obedience or service that line can push me over the edge. But you are so right that if Christ is abiding in us and we with Him, if our communion with Him is sweet - then like you - we often know the right thing to do. Good thoughts as I start my day! ((hugs))
Much I could say to what you shared my friend but I'll just say Amen!!
Your last paragraph tied it in very well.
I appreciate your tackling a subject that most can identify with!
I love you!
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