I think it is long due for me to update what I am studying Bible wise. I have been working on the Bible study I am writing on the book of Jonah. I love how God works things out because my pastor is now preaching a sermon on this book! Great to glean wisdom from him on and you can listen to the sermons here if you like. Really good stuff. Again I see it as confirmation for me to move ahead with it even though I am having a hard time moving forward. My other studies seemed easier for some reason.
Also, my Sunday School class is going to be starting a study in the book of Ruth. I just love this book and love the Old Testament so much. I love how it all points to Jesus. It is so exciting for me to be entrusted with walking these precious ladies through this book of the Bible together. I love them so and am excited at what God is showing me already. I will share off and on as I go.
What are you studying now?
Hi my friend!
Beautiful blog design change!
I just prayed for you for the Bible study you are preparing and walking through on Jonah.
Enjoy Ruth with the ladies. Awesome Book indeed but then aren't they all in the WORD :)
I just finished 11 weeks of One in a Million (Israelite/Moses study--a journey study I call it); and Discerning the Voice of GOD which I really enjoyed and was blessed in.
After completing those studies at church Bible Study we've just began Breaking Free (the revised version apparently).
Through the Holy Spirit I'm leading a study in Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer in my home. It's my 3rd time doing this study since 2001. I love that study!! Tearing DOWN strongholds!!
My personal study finds me in Isaiah which really fits with Breaking Free as well.
My study with my hubby is the book of Acts which ministers to my heart every time I've read it; about the way the church was/is intended to be.
Love you dear one.
Oh yes please - I can't wait to hear your thoughts - you are truly gifted and I'm so glad to hear Jonah is on the move :D
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