Friday, September 14, 2018



Pretense is a mind prison. It's the hiding behind the costuming of the mask. Many live there. Some by choice and some unassumingly. For some it's a false sense of protection and others it's ignorance. The hiding behind the costuming of the mask creates a person who is more like a wall of stone than human.

The authentic life breaks them free, removing the mask, but people are afraid. Someone needs to take that first step so they know how to obtain liberty.

For now, the majority remain imprisoned. It's more comfortable to sit in the dark damp place behind the mask. Though the smell is murky it's just too familiar; dare I say comfortable? Light seems to be too much; too overwhelming. Familiar seems safe, why take the risk?

The one with hope looks longingly at the brightness knowing there is something beautiful, something more, but unless the mask comes off, they remain in the cell. The memory of beauty quickly fades.

Community is key to freedom. Genuine people helping each other along the journey to perfect freedom but that's exactly the problem, it takes brave faith and that step of faith takes risk.

Yet, we can look to our Savior. The One who left perfection and entered into a broken world. He came to us; mask free. Dear friend let us be brave because we "keep our eyes on Jesus, the source of and perfecter of our faith. For the joy that lay before Him, He endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" Hebrews 12:2, CSB.

Be brave friend. Lay down that mask because your eyes are on the perfect One. There is no longer need to fear others for it is He that we live for alone and He made you uniquely special the way you are, quirks and all. Live fully for Him. Lay down that mask. Befriend people without masks and help those who are ready to shed theirs by walking alongside them and pointing them to Jesus.

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