Wednesday, May 22, 2013

An Open Letter to Victoria Secret

Dear whoever it concerns at Victoria Secret Marketing,

Do you have a daughter? I ask this question because if you do, certainly the answer has to be no, but if you do, have you imagined her sprawled out almost naked flaunting her most intimate and private parts on a larger than a billboard spread at the mall? Did you imagine that baby wrapped sweetly and snuggling in your arms like this? Did you hold this precious baby you gave life to and think, wow, I will expose her to this perverted and sex driven world in sexy underwear one day for the whole world to see? While you nursed her at your breast, if you are a woman, did you imagine all those creepy eyes of men gravitating toward her almost naked body. Naked, yes that is right because really in all honesty that is what they are imagining. It is true. Yet if it is a man of honor who sees it, are you trying to trip him up? Or marketing director are you a man? Do you have no sense of protection of innocence of your little girl? or any child who is exposed to this when they walk into the mall?

It could be that you have little boys. Do you want to start their problem with porn earlier in life? Maybe that is it. You looked at that baby boy so full of life and full of innocence and you decide hmmm, I know the best gift I can give this boy of mine, I will take the most risky and raunchy picture of a woman almost naked to advertise our underwear brand. That will make him proud. Because let's be honest it is in the open, in the mall where people take families. It is diagonal from the cookie shop. I wonder if this is a coincidence? Do you want to trip up this next generation of men? Do you want them to lack purity?

I have to ask these questions because honestly what are you trying to get across to people? Selling underwear at the sake of our children? We cannot even go into the mall any longer with the filth that is displayed. Soft porn displayed as advertisement for families to see because all things are ok if they are making money right? That must be how you think. Is that what you are thinking? Who are you trying to benefit? I am appalled by it because I know there are sex traffickers or child molesters who are out there in greater number than we know and the more we close our eyes or turn our heads to this blatant "advertising" the more we become desensitized to what is sacred. Then as these pictures of women are oogled baring their most intimates in open form people start to think this is natural, that they are suppose to look. After all a woman did voluntarily pose for these. But then you lead those bent on perversion on a slippery slope that takes advantage of others. It is a slippery cycle. We now hold nothing sacred. Is this what you want? It does start with one look you know. You have no idea the implications it causes to a whole slew of people out there.

I cannot only blame you Victoria Secret though honestly, a shoe store has a spread like yours in our mall. They are not even selling underwear. I know you were first in this type of open mall advertising though and they followed suit. And of course you have a sister company Abercrombie and Fitch who participates in this same sex-based selling industry. Why don't you go back to keeping Victoria's Secret, secret? Just a suggestion here. But who am I? Just a middle class consumer who will be making all the underwear and clothing purchases for my household and my well earned funds will not be going to you. I cannot consciously invest in a company who promotes desensitizing what is sacred. Sorry.

My young friend timidly but boldly asked me to write a letter to you. She thought that nothing would happen but voices need to be heard. So this is one mom's voice in this big world being heard. Take it however you want but it is my hope that you will reconsider this damaging advertising campaign.

I am so proud of my young friend standing strong for what is sacred. Our naked bodies are private and should absolutely never be exposed under any condition. This sacredness is for reasons. A gift for our marriage partner. We must start to respect it for our marriages now or future marriages for those of you still single. Keep the things sacred sacred. It's up to you.

A Concerned Consumer,

Letter was sent to them personally here at this link. Would you join me and send your own? For the sake of our children and my young, brave friend.

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