I meant to post this at Christmas time but I forgot. Here is a cute picture my oldest drew. I just love it!
You all know I am doing the Stepping Up Bible study which is so good. Well, part of the study is to pray face down before you begin. I have been trying to do this everyday. Some days I just stay in bed and do it (like one of my sisters-you know who you are!:)) Sometimes I do get down on the floor. Today was one of those days I felt like I needed too. Well, right after I did that I hear my little one say:
"KK, look-at-mommy!" Slowly each word came out with great wonder and mischief. Then in less than a second I had kids on top of me! I suddenly became a horse that they could ride. Oh the imaginations of kids. So we ended up cracking up laughing and I was so thankful for the little blessings God gave me in them.
This is not the first time they have seen me praying like this. Although I try not to do it so often in front of them so they don't think I am sleeping on the job or dead or a horse! But I just thought is was funny. They have been quite hilarious today and the scene fit their mood!
So, any of you out there doing this study have any truths or funnies to share?
I'm not doing the study, but I did enjoy reading this post! So cute!
I have a funny I'm fixing to post!
But, I have laughed out loud at them jumping on you while your trying to pray! That is so funny, and an awesome blessing.
Love You!
Oh I hear ya about becoming a mommmy horsey. LOL!
Sometimes when I'm reading my Bible early in the morning, my son will wake up and snuggle next to me in the recliner.
About a year ago, I was doing some devotions and I was praying- kneeling by my couch.
Apprently, I didn't hear my daycare mom arrive to drop off her son and she came rushing over to me because she thought something was wrong with me!
Oh, what a great story! I love that you just enjoyed the moment and the blessings in that moment! Found your site through Faith Fuel. I'll be back soon!
That is too funny! I really need to do this study! :)
I am sooooo looking forward to doing Stepping Up. The Lord just hasn't given our group the go-ahead to do it yet. Maybe in the fall.
Sometimes you just can't pray any way other than on your knees and face. Loved the story about the kiddies jumping on you!!
I just saw the workbook for this study and wanted to get it - you definately intrigued me with the face down comment - that floats my boat BUT I still have to finish Living Beyond Yourself, then I want to do Believing God again and then Patriarchs - I have the books for these studies so I better get along!!!
Your story is very cute and whereas you have children I have a girl dog who tries to get her face under mine - she makes me smile.
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