I left off last week still recovering from the sinus infection and being whiny. After I have recovered from all of that for some reason my heart has been ugly within me. I am battling the flesh for control. I feel like I have been feeling a strong need to be right in all things. It is that ugly pride. It is the kind of pride that makes you talk to others in a condescending tone. Oh I hate it when that is how I am! So, since I am an over comer in Christ Jesus I will walk that by faith. I will chose my words and tone before I speak. I will pray and ask that God put a guard over my mouth and reign in my tongue. This has been the biggest challenge in a while. I do believe it is because of the great love I have for my husband and extra effort I have been making to honor him. I wonder if it is because the enemy of our souls does not want to see this happen. After all marriage is suppose to represent Christ and the church (Ephesians 5) and above all things he would want to ruin her(the churches) reputation. I am an over comer in Christ Jesus and I will walk that by faith. Please pray along with me as I lift up each one of you doing this neat challenge. May God richly bless it! All for HIM and all for HIS glory!
I believe the enemy is turning up the heat because you are being vocal and taking a stand. You're bringing light into the darkness and he can't stand it. You are an overcomer and like my pastor said this morning, satan is strong, but Jesus is the strongest! I love you and thank you for being transparent about this struggle.
You encourage me in this walk!
Love you,
May God bless you and your marriage in the coming week!
Yes, I do believe that when we try to honor our husbands and honor God, Satan will try to attack us and bring us down. He hates that we're taking this challenge seriously. Good for you for facing your issues head on!! May God bless your efforts this week.
oooh yeah I've been in the same boat lately with watching my words and speech too. I think giving it to God helps a great deal and asking him to take over my sometimes big mouth :-)
Blessings upon your marriage always.
I hope you are feeling better, for me when I have sinus trouble it takes awhile...yuck I appreciate your honesty and post. May the Lord bless you this week and always.
In his endless love,
Angel ( Angel Mama ) ():)
May God continue to bless your efforts as you honor your husband. I agree with you that the enemy desires very much to complicate and distract from our goals with this challenge. I join you in prayer, and lift you up as you walk in faith. Bless you this week!
It is so easy to put our marriage on the backburner to kids, schedules, errands, life. But you're right in saying that marriage is a picture of our relationship with God. It must be tended. Great post! Thanks!
Amen!! Recognizing what isn't of God, and rejecting it, is a great accomplishment.
Looking forward to hearing about a better week next week!
I totally agree! My marriage has had some very rough spots in it, and only choosing God's way is what saved it. It actually turned around rather quickly once I decided to let Jesus drive! You would think after so much, that I would remember that, at least quicker than I do. Glad to know that HE is not finished with me yet! love Princess to Princess
Praying with you, my friend - it sounds as though we're stuggling with the same thing!
Praying that the Lord continues to bless your marriage!
I left a comment 2 times earlier, but my computer kept freezing up. So, if you got my other ones please feel free to delete them!
I also struggle with the words I say. And, even if I don't say them I know I'm thinking them, so my heart isn't in the right place. Satan is definitely attacking because he doesn't want to see us honoring our husbands.
Thanks for your honesty in this great post.
Thank you for welcoming me to the challenge. Blessings to you as you continue to honor your husband.
okay...LOL I did it right this time!! come back and see
I'm doing Conversation Peace by Mary Kassain. Talk about dealing w/your words & conversation!!!
I'm with ya & holdin' ya up in prayer. It's a hard one so stay strong in Christ, He'll get ya through. Your honesty is encouraging, thank you for sharing! God Bless You!!!
Love that you are choosing victory! I pray that you stand strong this week and face those human tendencies and cut them out of your life! Praying each day you form new habits to honor God and to honor your husband! Blessings!
You are so right. I think when truly try be wives that are honoring their husbands and in that turn honoring God, the devil likes to discourage us. I pray with you that the Lord will see us through the days were our tongues and hearts are not according to His will.
Thank you so much for sharing from your heart.
Be blessed today and always.
I apologize for missing your comment and not replying earlier to the Monday challenge.
Marriage is sacred, and there is nothing the enemy wants more than strife and separation between the wife and husband. He'll use anything as a means to do it. However, we are not ignorant to his schemes and must overcome our natural instinct to growl, bark, hiss, or anything remotely close, and take a super natural approach and let go and let God. Thereby, giving the Holy Spirit free reign in the situation. Trust me, I'm preachin' to the choir -- myself!
Blessings as you come to the Lord with open arms! Live in victory with Jesus! Abundant blessings...
Heavenly Voice
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