Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Book Review: Grounded in Grace by Holmes


In an age of feelings-driven living, this is a much-needed book! Parents today need help and guidance to discuss the issue of identity. And if we are honest, we all build our identities on something. We can have open conversations about it or let the world inform our kids, either way, they are learning things by observation. This book has a great way of explaining how identities are formed and helps parents understand how and what they are doing when they present certain ideas and give them more weight than they should. For example, kids can learn to build their identity on many things, like what they are good at, but ultimately we need to have a grounded identity in Christ to truly thrive. And as parents, I do not think we often think that through too deeply. We typically just think all is well until it is not. Then we move into a panic mode and react. Or am I the only one who had to learn this the hard way? :)

Jonathan Holmes brings a lot of insight and categories where people can put a false sense of security in their formed identities outside of Christ. This is something we need to read, understand, and use to guide our kids. It is a much-needed work for our culture and our times. I think all parents should read it. 

I received a copy of this book for the purpose of review from the publisher at no charge.

You can get a copy of this book from Amazon here.  

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Book Review: Navigating Destructive Relationships by Hambrick


I recently had the privilege of reviewing this new resource, Navigating Destructive Relationships. I found it helpful for an individual for several reasons. I received a copy of this free of charge from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. 
1- There are corresponding videos that are made to go along with each section. 
2- There are short devotionals that will help someone think biblically and journal through their own issues with a destructive relationship. 
3- It makes it easy to work through a difficult subject for those who struggle to open up to others about it. It is important to have resources available for this. 

However, the better way to use this resource is with a small group. This is written for the purpose of being used in a group that Brad Hambrick calls G4 groups. They are support groups made for people struggling with specific issues of life. Go to bradhambrick.com to see all the group resources available.

This particular group would be for people in destructive relationships. There are questions at the end of each section that help aid group discussion over the material that was read throughout the week. It is helpful to be in a group for support and accountability. 

This resource has many assessments to help you evaluate many things one could be dealing with in the situation of living with or loving someone who is potentially destructive. I found it helpful and will recommend it to people that I counsel. I also appreciate that it has an appendix that discusses what to do if you are lacking safety in your environment and what to do if you need to facilitate an intervention with a loved one. 

Brad Hambrick writes like you are talking with a friend over coffee. He is filled with compassion and mercy. He makes helping a sufferer easy with helpful questions and wisdom. I highly recommend this resource.

You can get a copy from Amazon.com here.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Book Review: Midnight Mercies by Chappell


I was so blessed to be on the launch team for this book. It came to me at the perfect time. I was in a pit of depression, probably the deepest one I have ever been in as of yet. I was stuck in a way. I consumed this book and it helped bring relief. This is no exaggeration. Depression can be long-suffering, so I have reread and listened to the audiobook now that it is also available. It has been and continues to be such a balm to a hurting heart. Especially a mother's heart that is hurting or crushed. In this rough season, this is one of the things that God has used to sustain me.

Why this book? It is because it is written in a way that helps the reader to not feel alone. It is vulnerable and honest. It instills hope, the lasting hope in Christ. It is filled with scriptural and practical applications. It gives action steps and things to ponder.

In any stage of motherhood, this book is helpful. We all go through difficult seasons. This is a book to have on hand for yourself or others you see struggling. 

I received a copy of this book at no charge for the sake of an honest review. 

You can get a copy of this book here. 

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Book Review: Proverbs: Stories of Wisdom and Folly by Murray


This is an easy-to-read, realistic daily devotional. I think the age range can be for anyone but I did think it seemed to fit the high school or college age range best. Simply because of the kinds of stories it shared and the writing in general. 

Each devotional directs you to a specific reading in the Proverbs, then it has information and stories about it, then it is followed up with "Changing our story with God's story," a summary, a question to ponder, and a prayer. It is pretty straightforward and interesting to keep your attention.

Proverbs is such a good book for practical living. I believe this book is important for that reason. It will help anyone who reads it live according to the Word of God in wisdom instead of folly. It addresses many relevant real-life categories that are important for our young people today to realize and understand.

This would be a great graduation gift or birthday gift for young people desiring to grow in their relationship and in the word of God. 

I received a copy of this book free of charge from Crossway for the purpose of an honest review.

You can get a copy of this book from Amazon.com here. 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Book Review: Little Prayers for Ordinary Days by Hutson, Oakes, and Warren

I absolutely love this little book. It reminds me of Every Moment Holy but for little ones. It is a wonderful example of how to pray for all of life. It looks at situations in a kid's life ranging from struggling to do what's right to enjoying a good book. Kids really need to learn that God is real and desires to hear from them in everything. This is a great example for them to pattern prayers after. It also has beautiful little pictures that are fun for little ones to look at. 

To be completely honest, I would use this book too. It helps you remember child-like faith and how God really delights to hear from you in every situation of life. It will only help one grow closer to Christ and that is the most important thing. Get this book for your little ones. They will love it.

I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the sake of an honest review.

You can get a copy from Amazon here.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Book Review: Equipping Biblical Counselors by Kellerman


This book is a must-read if you are contemplating establishing a biblical counseling ministry. It spans from the beginning brainstorming and vision casting to the establishment. It takes you through an easy step-by-step process that takes into account that each church and its people are unique. It gives practical real-life examples and a variety of pastoral advice from different pastors in different types of churches. 

If you are thinking about adding this ministry to your church, this is the resource to have. It is practical and biblical. It gives you many ideas and questions to challenge and grow as you prepare. 

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the sake of an honest review. 

You can get a copy of this book from Amazon here.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Book Review: God Hears Your Heart by Fox

I received a digital copy at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of review.
I believe this book is important for parents and children because there are hardly any teaching resources out there about processing emotions in a healthy manner for children. Sadly, dismissing our emotions and being told to just get over them is the standard. This book helps remedy that. It is a very important book for teaching our kids and ourselves how to do this with a God-view in mind. God gives us ways to process emotions all throughout the Bible but the use of story here in this book makes it easier to relate to for children and process through several key emotions that we experience in life like anger, disappointment, guilt, and even joy. God is not surprised by our emotions. He made us emotional beings. It is wise to acknowledge them and work through them. This is an important book in the training and teaching of our children. I ordered this book as a hard copy because I will find it useful as I practice biblical counseling or help parents to teach these skills to their children. It is a valuable and needed resource for today where emotions are either dismissed or romanticized. Both are wrong. This resource helps look at emotions in a healthy way that will help produce healthy adults who understand how to process their own emotions by not letting them control them or keep them in a stoic state of mind. Most importantly it will help children depend and look more like Jesus.

You can get a copy from Amazon here. 

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