Amid Christian books, children's books, and good quality best sellers I spotted a big stack of the book, 50 Shades of Grey at the register side. It was quite sad to me to see this sample of "literature" among the greats. I pondered what our world is coming too? What do we as women think we are becoming when we resort and behold this kind of book? It messes with your thoughts and is not reality. It is not even what we really want if we are honest. Why are we enthralled by such a book? Especially if it is a direct violation of Romans 12:1-2?
Words are powerful and used in this way in this book is destructive to our very souls. I was in line making my purchases at the used bookstore in town and while I was waiting, I heard two women gush about 50 Shades of Grey as they passed the book. We book lovers can connect over stories, plots, and the beauty of words used brilliantly, yet, I just looked at these ladies with a blank stare, I actually felt myself blush because they were completely unashamed at this talk. I mean their excitement about a movie coming out was ecstatic. I just felt like I was in the twilight zone. They openly discussed this around men and children. What message is this sending?
Now I confess, I have not read these books. I have no desire to put those thoughts in my mind because when porn sets itself in your mind there is a difficulty of removing it. For women, the emotional porn is harder to remove from their hearts, yet now this is going on the big screen, porn is there for all to behold at the price of a movie ticket. Why do such a big crowd of people desire this?
Honestly, married couples cannot have great sex that is pure and undefiled when these things enter their minds. This is a pure defiling of keeping the marriage bed pure that God calls us to (Hebrews 13:4). Sex, in its pure and undefiled form is not selfish. These movies or porn is always surrounded by selfishness.
Good sex is only experienced in that redeemed place that Jesus bought for us where man and woman in marriage can be naked and unashamed as it was intended at the dawn of creation (Genesis 2:25). If you have fallen into the temptation of getting into these books know that Jesus can wash you from it. There may be consequences for your mind but Jesus is bigger. Can I encourage you to not watch the movie? Once those images enter your mind they are there forever and you bring those things into your marriage bed losing its purity and beauty. The battle to guard our eyes and hearts is hard enough with the blasting of impure billboards and magazines that fight for our attention, don't add this stuff to your mind. Though Christ forgives all our sin there are still consequences for our sin that linger and I fear this "movie" will be one of those things that hurt our society.
I will give you just one example of this. I loved the show, Beverly Hills 90210 growing up. I loved the character Donna who was the "good girl." She was saving herself for marriage like "good girls" do. However, in one weak moment she compromised and honestly from the power of media and my unstable teenage mind, I was devastated. I thought, if there was no hope for Donna, what hope was there for me and I lost that courage to guard myself as diligently. I was in the world and of the world then. I fear this movie will do the same for people. Not only women but men who receive the mixed messages about what women want when it comes to sex. And yes, these words are hard to write because sex is so personal but the church has to address this and warn about the dangers that the power of media has over people.
So if you want to protect your marriage or if you are single, your future marriage, don't see this. Keep it out of your head. Don't let the world so openly influence you. Don't fall for this obvious scheme from the pit of hell. There will be consequences. Our purity is being robbed and it doesn't stop with us, our children are being exposed to these things earlier and earlier. It only makes me long for home where none of this filth will exist any longer and why would we want to dabble in things that will not be with us for all of eternity? Lord, come quickly.