Thursday, September 6, 2012

Help the Poor - Living Love - Blogging for a Purpose with Compassion


I have a very random blog. I decided early on that I was not in this blogging thing for the money like many others around the sphere. I needed an outlet that would give me a voice. Not for only my own sanity but also for those things that God cares about. Those things He shows me and teaches me. Then in turn if it encouraged or helped anyone to Him be the glory! It is so worth it.

I was reading a book about the Lost Boys of Sudan and the boy who wrote it was talking about sponsorship programs in his area like Compassion that came and sponsored some of the children in the refugee camp he lived in. The sponsored children got basic things like a pencil to do school work with, proper clothing, and food. This boy who never was sponsored did his school work with a stick scratching in the dirt, dug food out of the trash dump, and made do with the clothes he had. I had no idea!

I imagined it would be difficult to look around and have some kids sponsored in your community while you struggled just to survive. In that particular refugee camp I was reading about he said it was not uncommon to see children taken out each morning because they had died in their sleep! A regular part of life yet here we sit fat! I can not get this out of my mind!

I decided to sponsor a child through Compassion international and become a blogger for them. A worthy purpose. I hope you will not ignore these posts. I hope you will see that it is so very cheap in American monies to sponsor a child. Only $38.00 a month. Can you spare that to give a child a chance?

The girl I chose to sponsor is 19. I realize now that many of the older kids do not get sponsors. It is a sad thing indeed. Older children have had to learn to persevere and to be strong. The area I chose is an area highly infected with AIDS and children are at a very high risk of being exploited or abused. I know she is very far away from us but she has stolen my heart. I pray she has an amazing chance in life. Already she is helping in church. She is helping her family. She is an orphan but lives with extended family. I am so happy to be a part of her life, praying, supporting, and encouraging her in writing.

So I hope you can do something too. Help the cause of the poor around the world by sponsoring a child. There is a "prize" as well for those who get the most to go over and sponsor a child this month. I do not want that but I do want you to help! So if this humble blog gets the most sponsors I will be having a contest to give away the prize. Go to this link to sponsor now or at least take a few moments of your time to pray for these children.

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