The next chapter in this book is about leaving a legacy of prayer by Fern Nichols. This was also a good chapter about prayer. Praying makes the most difference in our lives and world. Another good read. This book has been really good. I hope to make it to a True Woman conference sometime.
I have one more chapter to go.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Book Review - Voices of the True Woman Movement
It has been awhile since I have posted about a chapter in this book. However, God's timing is always perfect! I can truly attest to that. This chapter is one that I really needed at the moment. I again am suffering with health afflictions. This chapter was by Joni Eareckson Tada. She is an amazing woman who is a quadriplegic yet in all her suffering she is faithful to God.
In this chapter Joni addresses being faithful to God and through suffering is where He chisels the bad spots off of us making us shine more and more like His Son. This chapter has been the best so far. I may reread it a few times to just let it soak in. Suffering is where we truly learn and grow. It helps expose what is in us and make us like Jesus. We are continually being refined in various ways. These health struggle for me however have been hard and easy for me to lose focus on what the big picture is accomplishing. Oh I praise our great God who will not leave us the same. He is so good to us. He is the Master artist and knows how to best mold and shape us.
In this chapter Joni addresses being faithful to God and through suffering is where He chisels the bad spots off of us making us shine more and more like His Son. This chapter has been the best so far. I may reread it a few times to just let it soak in. Suffering is where we truly learn and grow. It helps expose what is in us and make us like Jesus. We are continually being refined in various ways. These health struggle for me however have been hard and easy for me to lose focus on what the big picture is accomplishing. Oh I praise our great God who will not leave us the same. He is so good to us. He is the Master artist and knows how to best mold and shape us.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Dancing with the One You Love by Cindy Easley - Great book on Submission
I received a copy of this book free of charge from the publisher for the sake of review.
The subtitle of this book is Living Out Submission in the Real World. Now before you stop reading right there I ask you to reconsider and read on. The topic of Biblical submission has been one of great controversy with women. However, God does ask women to submit to their husbands in Scripture. Now there are exceptions to this rule and I will not get into these in a book review. However, if you are looking for a good solid Biblical book on the topic this is it.
This book is broken up into practical chapters of what submission is supposed to look like in marriage. It even goes into the details of dealing with a chronically ill mate, an absent mate due to job like military, and situations of abuse to name just a few. I found this a very practical and helpful tool for marriage.
Cindy is the wife of Michael Easley who is a great teacher of the Bible you can listen to on Moody radio. I really enjoy listening to him. He adds a chapter in this book for husbands as well. Basically it boils down to submission being a choice that is never to be forced. We can bring great glory to God in our marriage by how we chose this behavior. I do suggest this read. You will be better off for reading this.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
To Medicate or Not? That is the Question.
Join me over at Heart of the Matter Online today...
"No Not Medication!," I thought over and over again in my mind. I could not believe it finally came to the point that my daughter would need medication to help with her ADHD, impulse control, and OCD issues. I am not sure why it seemed like a huge ordeal in the first place? Possibly because of all the bad side effects you hear about from medication. Also maybe because as Christians sometimes we are guilty of saying things about medication like we are lacking faith for God to heal a situation. All of this and more made it a really hard struggle for me in deciding to medicate. Read more here.
"No Not Medication!," I thought over and over again in my mind. I could not believe it finally came to the point that my daughter would need medication to help with her ADHD, impulse control, and OCD issues. I am not sure why it seemed like a huge ordeal in the first place? Possibly because of all the bad side effects you hear about from medication. Also maybe because as Christians sometimes we are guilty of saying things about medication like we are lacking faith for God to heal a situation. All of this and more made it a really hard struggle for me in deciding to medicate. Read more here.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
October T.V. Fast - More observations
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."~Proverbs 4:23
Two things I am seeing as we detox. One this business of guarding our hearts does need to be taken very seriously. If we can guard them from seeing behaviors and actions that are not pleasing to God then we will not be as tempted to participate in those same actions. Mostly for our family it is in attitudes. So true if you put garbage in your heart garbage will come out. If you guard your heart from that then there will not be as many problems with it.
Two. The real issue that is emerging is not the television being the problem itself because there are alot of good things that can come from good quality programs. We do use it for educational purposes still and selective family movies or shows as family time avoiding all commercials (I will talk about commercials at another time but they are bad for some peoples hearts). The real issue I am seeing here is the issue with authority. At times the girls just want to turn the t.v. on to just watch whatever is there. They do not like being told no or the restriction. It is a submission to authority issue. They have not missed the t.v. all that much. This is good to identify because we are working through it.
Overall I am thankful because God is moving and changing our hearts.
Two things I am seeing as we detox. One this business of guarding our hearts does need to be taken very seriously. If we can guard them from seeing behaviors and actions that are not pleasing to God then we will not be as tempted to participate in those same actions. Mostly for our family it is in attitudes. So true if you put garbage in your heart garbage will come out. If you guard your heart from that then there will not be as many problems with it.
Two. The real issue that is emerging is not the television being the problem itself because there are alot of good things that can come from good quality programs. We do use it for educational purposes still and selective family movies or shows as family time avoiding all commercials (I will talk about commercials at another time but they are bad for some peoples hearts). The real issue I am seeing here is the issue with authority. At times the girls just want to turn the t.v. on to just watch whatever is there. They do not like being told no or the restriction. It is a submission to authority issue. They have not missed the t.v. all that much. This is good to identify because we are working through it.
Overall I am thankful because God is moving and changing our hearts.
Book Review - City on our Knees by Toby Mac
I received a copy of this book free of charge from the publisher for the purpose of review.
Not only did I love the music CD by Toby Mac titled City on our Knees, but now I also loved the book. This book is packed with stories of people who overcame barriers and crossed lines for the sake of Christ. I think it is a good read for any Christian because we get courage and encouraged from stories of other believers overcoming obstacles of different kinds.
It stirred something in my heart to hear these stories. They are stories of just ordinary people who God used to do amazing things. Some we may never hear of until this book. Others books or movies have been made about. Either way we are all human and ordinary and all have a place that God wants to use us all for different accomplishing purposes for His kingdom.
It was a privilege to read all of these stories in this book. If you are looking for a good dose of encouragement then I recommend you read this. But beware, I think it will stir your heart too. Where is it that God wants to use you to make a difference for His kingdom?
To get a copy of this book from go here City on Our Knees
or click on the link above.
Not only did I love the music CD by Toby Mac titled City on our Knees, but now I also loved the book. This book is packed with stories of people who overcame barriers and crossed lines for the sake of Christ. I think it is a good read for any Christian because we get courage and encouraged from stories of other believers overcoming obstacles of different kinds.
It stirred something in my heart to hear these stories. They are stories of just ordinary people who God used to do amazing things. Some we may never hear of until this book. Others books or movies have been made about. Either way we are all human and ordinary and all have a place that God wants to use us all for different accomplishing purposes for His kingdom.
It was a privilege to read all of these stories in this book. If you are looking for a good dose of encouragement then I recommend you read this. But beware, I think it will stir your heart too. Where is it that God wants to use you to make a difference for His kingdom?
To get a copy of this book from go here City on Our Knees
Friday, October 15, 2010
Excited to get to review this from Navpress
Topical Memory System.
I just love hiding God's word in my heart.
Maybe I will try it with the kids too.
Will keep you posted.
I just love hiding God's word in my heart.
Maybe I will try it with the kids too.
Will keep you posted.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
my youngest baby girl random God thoughts.
Without prompting my baby girl made this sweet video today. Makes a mommies heart smile.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Book Review - The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges
This was a great book. This is the second book I have had the opportunity to review by this author and have been greatly pleased each time. Jerry Bridge's books really challenge you but in a gentle and humble way. They help you think and desire to be the best that you can be in your walk with the Lord.
Holiness has always been a topic that has interested me. This book was so informative and solid in the word of God. Not a stuffy book at all. This topic is so important for today's church. Are we pursuing holiness in the Lord? Not only do we look at the Scriptures but there is also great application stories and principles as well.
Holiness is a way of daily living that we must pursue in our walk with God. If we do not then how do we bring glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the sake of review.
To get a copy of this book from click on the link above.
Holiness has always been a topic that has interested me. This book was so informative and solid in the word of God. Not a stuffy book at all. This topic is so important for today's church. Are we pursuing holiness in the Lord? Not only do we look at the Scriptures but there is also great application stories and principles as well.
Holiness is a way of daily living that we must pursue in our walk with God. If we do not then how do we bring glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the sake of review.
To get a copy of this book from click on the link above.
Monday, October 11, 2010
The October T.V. Fast Challenge - A Stronghold Identified
We are now 11 days into our T.V. fast. I was not sure how this would effect me because T.V. is not that big of a deal for me. However, I saw its hold on me this week. If you follow me you know I struggle pretty regularly with health issues. If it is not one thing it is another. When something rises up and I take time to rest usually that is when the T.V. comes on. This is the time I am most vulnerable to let the garbage sink into my head and heart. I think I am seeking comfort of some kind because I feel sorry for myself. This is kind of like comfort food.
Another way I use it is when I feel bad I like to turn it on for the kids to watch to give them something to do so I can be left alone to rest. I know some of you will think that this makes me a horrible mom but until you live in this body of mine and experience all of what I endure physically you cannot really understand this. I do see it and want to correct it though. Because of our commitment to our fast I have been able to learn to manage in a better way. Instead of seeking to comfort of T.V. or distracting the kids with it I can encourage them to play and I can read or interact with them in a different way that fits our situation.
Overall though we are really seeing improvement in family relationships. We are learning to enjoy one another and have fun together interacting more. I am so thankful for this.
Another way I use it is when I feel bad I like to turn it on for the kids to watch to give them something to do so I can be left alone to rest. I know some of you will think that this makes me a horrible mom but until you live in this body of mine and experience all of what I endure physically you cannot really understand this. I do see it and want to correct it though. Because of our commitment to our fast I have been able to learn to manage in a better way. Instead of seeking to comfort of T.V. or distracting the kids with it I can encourage them to play and I can read or interact with them in a different way that fits our situation.
Overall though we are really seeing improvement in family relationships. We are learning to enjoy one another and have fun together interacting more. I am so thankful for this.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Life in the Kingdom - Part 6
Kingdom living was not meant to remain in the castle or the court alone. The Master gave charge for princes and princesses to go out and make disciples. He wanted them to go outside the castle to do this. How else can they know the Master? This Master is not like other kinds of kings. This Master truly desires all people to know Him but He is kind enough to give them a choice to do that or not. He depends on the people of His kingdom to go and share His good news.
There however are some kingdoms who like to keep their castle protected by a moat that is impossible to get over. Not only is there a moat but also a draw bridge so they can monitor and chose who they let in. The Master is not pleased with this but these castles persist in it.
In one of these particular castles there was a daughter of the King. He placed in her heart the desire to reach those who do not usually visit the castle. So she went out with an invitation and many came delightfully. Many saw the delights of the King through this woman and her friends. It sparked a desire in them to know the Master. They desired to know His word. They wanted to be part of the castle. However, they were still a little dirty and didn't understand proper castle behavior.
The Master loves to teach them proper castle behavior but the guardian of this castle didn't want them there. He closed up the draw bridge and kicked them out along with the daughter of the King who brought them. He was uncomfortable with the mess they brought and instead of seeing them as the Master's grand creation, He saw them as a nuisance. The King's daughter got thrown out too. No one from that castle is helping her. You see she got wounded when she was thrown out with the others. No one tended to those wounds of hers though she called out for help. The Master is coming to tend to them though. He is well pleased with her.
Sometimes the castle guardians or the castle courts do not behave the way the Master desires. This should not be a reflection of the Master. The Master is kind and loving and invites all to His kingdom. He doesn't force you to come but if you do decide to come and follow Him, He gives you a precious gift of Himself that works in you to make you look more and more like Him in His timing. Have you been afraid of the castle? Not all guardians are following God. Just keep looking until you do find one that does. Let the Master help you.
There however are some kingdoms who like to keep their castle protected by a moat that is impossible to get over. Not only is there a moat but also a draw bridge so they can monitor and chose who they let in. The Master is not pleased with this but these castles persist in it.
In one of these particular castles there was a daughter of the King. He placed in her heart the desire to reach those who do not usually visit the castle. So she went out with an invitation and many came delightfully. Many saw the delights of the King through this woman and her friends. It sparked a desire in them to know the Master. They desired to know His word. They wanted to be part of the castle. However, they were still a little dirty and didn't understand proper castle behavior.
The Master loves to teach them proper castle behavior but the guardian of this castle didn't want them there. He closed up the draw bridge and kicked them out along with the daughter of the King who brought them. He was uncomfortable with the mess they brought and instead of seeing them as the Master's grand creation, He saw them as a nuisance. The King's daughter got thrown out too. No one from that castle is helping her. You see she got wounded when she was thrown out with the others. No one tended to those wounds of hers though she called out for help. The Master is coming to tend to them though. He is well pleased with her.
Sometimes the castle guardians or the castle courts do not behave the way the Master desires. This should not be a reflection of the Master. The Master is kind and loving and invites all to His kingdom. He doesn't force you to come but if you do decide to come and follow Him, He gives you a precious gift of Himself that works in you to make you look more and more like Him in His timing. Have you been afraid of the castle? Not all guardians are following God. Just keep looking until you do find one that does. Let the Master help you.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Facebook and the mysterious "I Like it...."
Serious ladies?! We are doing this again?! Breast Cancer Awareness month is a serious thing. We want people aware of Breast Cancer so we can better fight it. We need this awareness, however there are ways to do this and not be trashy at the same time.
In our sex crazed culture anytime you say, "I like it on the floor or on the kitchen counter or anywhere else" you know full well that it will create a temptation to a perverted thought in a male's mind. It is our job as women to do our best to NOT create stumbling blocks for our brothers in Christ. This is NOT a way to raise Breast Cancer Awareness. In case you are wondering what I am ranting about here is the "secret" email sent.
October Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Remember the game last year about what color bra you were wearing at the moment? The purpose was to increase awareness of October Breast Cancer Awareness month. It was a tremendous success and we had men wondering for days what was with the colors and it made it to the news. This year's game has to do with your handbag/purse, where we put our handbag the moment we get home for example "I like it on the couch", "I like it on the kitchen counter", "I like it on the dresser" well u get the idea. Just put your answer as your status with nothing more than that and cut n paste this message and forward to all your FB female friends to their inbox. The bra game made it to the news. Let's see how powerful we women really are!!! REMEMBER - DO NOT PUT YOUR ANSWER AS A REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE- PUT IT IN YOUR STATUS!!! PASS THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!!
Seriously, who is making this up? And seriously why would you blindly just follow this? I am so blessed to be a woman. God made us unique and special. This is not a way for women to become powerful but a way for them to be ignorant or unprotected. Do you want some man imagining you in a wrong manner? I hope that answer is no. So then I say to you STOP IT! Expose this ignorance and just wear pink, add it to your profile picture, post names of survivors or memories of lost loved ones.
In our sex crazed culture anytime you say, "I like it on the floor or on the kitchen counter or anywhere else" you know full well that it will create a temptation to a perverted thought in a male's mind. It is our job as women to do our best to NOT create stumbling blocks for our brothers in Christ. This is NOT a way to raise Breast Cancer Awareness. In case you are wondering what I am ranting about here is the "secret" email sent.
October Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Remember the game last year about what color bra you were wearing at the moment? The purpose was to increase awareness of October Breast Cancer Awareness month. It was a tremendous success and we had men wondering for days what was with the colors and it made it to the news. This year's game has to do with your handbag/purse, where we put our handbag the moment we get home for example "I like it on the couch", "I like it on the kitchen counter", "I like it on the dresser" well u get the idea. Just put your answer as your status with nothing more than that and cut n paste this message and forward to all your FB female friends to their inbox. The bra game made it to the news. Let's see how powerful we women really are!!! REMEMBER - DO NOT PUT YOUR ANSWER AS A REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE- PUT IT IN YOUR STATUS!!! PASS THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!!
Seriously, who is making this up? And seriously why would you blindly just follow this? I am so blessed to be a woman. God made us unique and special. This is not a way for women to become powerful but a way for them to be ignorant or unprotected. Do you want some man imagining you in a wrong manner? I hope that answer is no. So then I say to you STOP IT! Expose this ignorance and just wear pink, add it to your profile picture, post names of survivors or memories of lost loved ones.
The October T.V. Fast Update
We are six days into this T.V. fast. Let me clarify for fairness we still have some media going here and there. The children can earn a show to watch (with no commercials) if they earn it but not everyday. We can watch a movie together as a family time option if we chose this.
My husband and I are limiting our computer time in this fast. Basically we are putting priorities back in order and learning to reconnect as family. We are learning to do more things together and really enjoy one another. We have some games we like playing, activities we like to do, and talk more. We didn't watch a ton of T.V. in the first place but did let it pour into us. There is alot of garbage on T.V. and as we let it pour into our home is starts to seep into our hearts. When those things are in our hearts that is not good. It is failing to guard our hearts like the Bible challenges us to do. So know we are guarding our hearts.
So far I have seen such progress. We are detoxing I can tell because of some of the things that come out of our mouths. That attitude of entitlement that grieves me in my children is fading. Rebellion is fading as well. We are guarding hearts from these things going in. When only good things go in then only good things come out. I have been able to experience more of their creativity. They have time to do things they love to do instead of just flipping on the T.V. So far so good and I am so blessed to be doing this. Will keep you posted on how it continues.
My husband and I are limiting our computer time in this fast. Basically we are putting priorities back in order and learning to reconnect as family. We are learning to do more things together and really enjoy one another. We have some games we like playing, activities we like to do, and talk more. We didn't watch a ton of T.V. in the first place but did let it pour into us. There is alot of garbage on T.V. and as we let it pour into our home is starts to seep into our hearts. When those things are in our hearts that is not good. It is failing to guard our hearts like the Bible challenges us to do. So know we are guarding our hearts.
So far I have seen such progress. We are detoxing I can tell because of some of the things that come out of our mouths. That attitude of entitlement that grieves me in my children is fading. Rebellion is fading as well. We are guarding hearts from these things going in. When only good things go in then only good things come out. I have been able to experience more of their creativity. They have time to do things they love to do instead of just flipping on the T.V. So far so good and I am so blessed to be doing this. Will keep you posted on how it continues.
True Woman Makeover
These next 30 days I have been doing a true woman makeover hosted by Nancy Leigh Demoss. It has been convicting and filled with great reminders of what a woman should be doing with her life and time. We are looking at Proverbs 31. I am really enjoying this. Often times in our culture a stay at home mother is a foreign concept. I understand not everyone can stay home with their children but if the option is available we should take it. Nothing is better and no one will raise your children better than you.
Aspiring to walk in the footsteps of this woman (who is not real by the way - she is what a mother desires for her son) is possible in Christ. In Christ we can be what He calls us to be. It is a brave task since culture goes against this much of the time.
Now why did I pick this picture of Belle and the Beast? Because I just love her. I love how she loves to read and is really smart yet gentle and loving. She is a pretty close example of what this Proverbs 31 woman looks like. Is she perfect? No. Will any of us be? No. But we can strive to be the best we can be.
What do you think about the Proverbs 31 woman?
Aspiring to walk in the footsteps of this woman (who is not real by the way - she is what a mother desires for her son) is possible in Christ. In Christ we can be what He calls us to be. It is a brave task since culture goes against this much of the time.
Now why did I pick this picture of Belle and the Beast? Because I just love her. I love how she loves to read and is really smart yet gentle and loving. She is a pretty close example of what this Proverbs 31 woman looks like. Is she perfect? No. Will any of us be? No. But we can strive to be the best we can be.
What do you think about the Proverbs 31 woman?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Thoughts on Ruth 4
You can read Ruth 4 here.
I just love this chapter because we see Boaz takes action. He goes straight to the city gate to settle the matter at hand. He has a clever plan to get his bride. He identifies the closer kinsmen redeemer and tells him about the land in question. The closer redeemer is interested in this. Boaz then throws in, "Oh and it comes with a Moabite woman who you will need to marry." He is a great business man. Any man would love to obtain land. Land was what was very important in their time. Boaz knew this. However, taking in a wife (of Moabite origin) and having to have a child in her dead husbands name, well that is another thing. So Boaz cleverly gave each piece of information timely as needed.
Boaz said if the nearer kinsman didn't want this then Boaz wanted to redeem the land and take the bride. The closest kinsmen declined, not wanting to jeopardize his own inheritance. Now Boaz and Ruth are husband and wife. The people are happy and pray blessings over them. They have a baby boy named Obed. He is the grandfather of King David. That makes Ruth and Boaz the great-grandparents of King David. Their story is amazing. Also this lineage of people will go all the way to the lineage of Jesus Christ through Joseph in Matthew 1. Some really cool stuff.
I just love this chapter because we see Boaz takes action. He goes straight to the city gate to settle the matter at hand. He has a clever plan to get his bride. He identifies the closer kinsmen redeemer and tells him about the land in question. The closer redeemer is interested in this. Boaz then throws in, "Oh and it comes with a Moabite woman who you will need to marry." He is a great business man. Any man would love to obtain land. Land was what was very important in their time. Boaz knew this. However, taking in a wife (of Moabite origin) and having to have a child in her dead husbands name, well that is another thing. So Boaz cleverly gave each piece of information timely as needed.
Boaz said if the nearer kinsman didn't want this then Boaz wanted to redeem the land and take the bride. The closest kinsmen declined, not wanting to jeopardize his own inheritance. Now Boaz and Ruth are husband and wife. The people are happy and pray blessings over them. They have a baby boy named Obed. He is the grandfather of King David. That makes Ruth and Boaz the great-grandparents of King David. Their story is amazing. Also this lineage of people will go all the way to the lineage of Jesus Christ through Joseph in Matthew 1. Some really cool stuff.
Two New Reviews
I am excited about reviewing these two books! One by Jerry Bridges and the other by Toby Mac. :)
Friday, October 1, 2010
Book Review - Voices of the True Woman Movement
It has been a while since I last reviewed a chapter of this book. Chapter six is written by Karen Loritts. I appreciated her honesty about dealing with fear in her life situations and how to overcome it. She explored what fear does to us. I enjoyed how she broke this down. Also, how she included great Scripture to combat it. The chapter title was, Choosing Faith in Seasons of Change. Good reminder that change can be fearful but God is still in control and we need to continue to trust in Him.
Book Review - The Devil in Pew Number Seven by Rebecca Nichols Alonzo
I received a copy of this book free of charge from the publisher (Tyndale House Publishers) for the purpose of review.
The Devil in Pew Number Seven was a shocking story of redemption and grace. I did not expect what I got from this book. It has been an inspiring read about one families journey facing horrible adversity yet still responding the way that Christ calls His followers to respond. It is a rare thing to see these days. The humility and forgiveness that was displayed through this family just cannot help but move you to the very core of your being.
I personally have been challenged by it. First, I love this family. I love the way they taught and raised their children and am challenged by that. Also, I was greatly challenged by how they responded to an imminent and real threat toward their lives for the sake of the gospel. This happened in America! That was so surprising to me. It is hard to read a book like this and really give appropriate words to express its depth. I think anyone reading it would be better off than before. I believe it would help anyone struggling with unforgiveness as well. I was incredibly blessed by reading this.
To get a copy of this book from amazon go here. The Devil in Pew Number Seven
The Devil in Pew Number Seven was a shocking story of redemption and grace. I did not expect what I got from this book. It has been an inspiring read about one families journey facing horrible adversity yet still responding the way that Christ calls His followers to respond. It is a rare thing to see these days. The humility and forgiveness that was displayed through this family just cannot help but move you to the very core of your being.
I personally have been challenged by it. First, I love this family. I love the way they taught and raised their children and am challenged by that. Also, I was greatly challenged by how they responded to an imminent and real threat toward their lives for the sake of the gospel. This happened in America! That was so surprising to me. It is hard to read a book like this and really give appropriate words to express its depth. I think anyone reading it would be better off than before. I believe it would help anyone struggling with unforgiveness as well. I was incredibly blessed by reading this.
To get a copy of this book from amazon go here. The Devil in Pew Number Seven
The No T.V. Experiment
The month of October is "No Television" month for our family. We are excited to jump into this adventure because we know that is will not only protect our children's eyes from the horrible things that come on during this month in particular but it will also help us to be detoxed from any garbage that has been allowed to seep into our hearts.
This month we will be taking time to focus on God, family, and getting our priorities in order. It isn't that we watch a lot of television in the first place but it does seem to occupy more of our time than it should. I am excited to see what this will do for our family. I will be posting about it throughout the month.
Just today my husband realized that it really should included limited time with other media sources as well, like Facebook, email, twitter, etc. So that will be part of it as well. We will see what this month holds.
This month we will be taking time to focus on God, family, and getting our priorities in order. It isn't that we watch a lot of television in the first place but it does seem to occupy more of our time than it should. I am excited to see what this will do for our family. I will be posting about it throughout the month.
Just today my husband realized that it really should included limited time with other media sources as well, like Facebook, email, twitter, etc. So that will be part of it as well. We will see what this month holds.
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