Little reading comprehension and spelling books. Math workbook pages.
We will probably do a few days a week. We go really light in the summer. We have several camps and trips too. Very excited for this. It boils down to living a life of learning. Everywhere we go we make it into a learning experience.
Fathers are told not to exasperate their children. However, at times I feel like my children are the ones who exasperate me! But then I am quickly reminded that foolishness abounds in the heart of a child. It is something that is just there. It is something that needs training and instruction. Add that with a sinful nature and then a sprinkle of ADHD and you have lots of problems. Now in my instance I can also add a shake of OCD and a pinch of impulse control issues. What a delightfully difficult mixture to work with!
God does know what He is doing. He created this child. He made her fearfully and wonderfully. She is absolutely perfect in His eyes and was entrusted to a very selfish mother. I easily exasperate because I expect what I want done to be done immediately and without question. This may work for the “normal” child but it does not work so well for my little bundle of joy. I am learning how to correct her the way that makes real change—change of the heart.
On Sunday at our church children who are five and up sit with their parents in the main church service. To an ADHD child’s mind this can be torture. My selfishness is continually exposed because I don’t want to look bad as my child struggles. I continually have to confess this and ask for God’s grace. When I focus on Him and what He desires for this child I come back to training her in the way that works for her. It does not matter what that may look like to others around me.
Tips and tools I use as I struggle through are:
An occasional snack
Listening games
Discussing themes that I know she understands about the sermonGiving her her fidget noiseless toy to hold and quietly play with
Remind her the purpose for church (to corporately worship God)
Praise her for her efforts of listening and sitting still
Removing her to an environment outside where we can listen with less pressure to sit still
Pay attention to my child’s cues (I know when she is struggling more or less by observation)
Those are just a few things. I know she desires to grow in this area so we work it out together. I am thankful for her and what she teaches me in this process. So instead of being exasperated I am thankful as long as I focus on the important things. We are both learning and are better off for it.
All suffering is because of sin. Because of the fall in the garden of Eden sin entered into this world. Ever since disease, decay, death, and dying have been a part of our reality. That is not what God intended. He created a paradise with perfect conditions, however man always had a choice to keep that or give it up.
Unfortunately we know how the story goes. Our perfect untainted world was surrendered because of sin. The choice was made that decided God was not enough and we have suffered from it ever since. Why do we feel like God is holding something back from us?
Sin. That is the simplest reason as to why. We have a real enemy that prowls around looking for someone to devour or take captive. He does not fight fair. He disguises himself well. Before you know it you can fall straight into his trap. Sometimes not even knowing.
Sometimes our trials come into our lives because of sin. Not always. Sometimes we just suffer in this world because of its fallen condition. But it is always healthy to look at our hearts and pray like David did, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 119:23-24).
I do this activity about once a year. For this season however long it lasts I have been called to suffer. The trials are often physically based. It is very good to examine my heart for any sin that may have made a home for itself in my heart. God brought this up to me several times last week. So I have a time of examination and confession. I use this great little booklet to help me examine my heart by Kay Arthur. It is great so check it out if this interests you, it is the one titled "Cleansing and Filling". After I was done I did see some areas that needed confession. After the process I felt lighter. It was nice. I felt God's presence closer than I had for awhile.
The trials may not leave but I know that I now have a clear conscience before the Lord. He is Lord. He is good. He is making me more into the image of Christ. What a privilege that is.
My thoughts often take me on a roller coaster ride. Then if I entertain them I often end up feeling as a roller coaster ride makes you feel--completely sick to my stomach. Honestly this truth needs to be brought into the light.
God tells us to renew our minds instead of being conformed to the image of this world (Romans 12). He also tells us to think about whatever is pure, praiseworthy, trustworthy, honorable, excellent, of good report, etc (Philippians 4:8). How often do my thoughts dwell on those things?
When I was at the wonderful conference in Atlanta with my good friend called, "So Long Insecurity: You Have Been a Bad Friend." (BTW it is Beth Moore's new book! Check it out!) The place was packed. There were 10,000 women in that place. CROWDED is not even a close enough word to describe the condition of the number of women pressed into that building. (I hope you are picturing this with me.)
It was so crowded that we struggled to find a seat. My sweet friend did her best to find us some that were easy enough to get in and out of. On this day my legs were not working well. It has been a struggle some days. The muscles just start having an uninvited panic attack I suppose would be a good way to describe it. This makes walking difficult.
The seats that we found placed mine right in front of a wheel chair. Now, one of my biggest fears has been needing a wheel chair. Can I tell you that this fear is incredibly vain! Seriously that is not a valid thing to be afraid of. However, I felt my mind wondering often to that thought. The idea of needing one of those to get around in consumed me.
God finally said it was enough. He spoke this to me over a course of fretting...what if you had to have one of those to get around, then what? Would I not still be in control? Would I not still be trustworthy? Would I still not be the same? Would it change how we relate? Would it change who you are? Would it change who I made you to be? I am you helper. In your weakness is my strength. My grace is sufficient. My power is made perfect in weakness. Just trust and lean on me. You are my princess and I adore you. Trust. You are an instrument for My glory.
Okay. I get it. Whatever the future holds is unknown. However one thing I can know and have is His peace. His power. His strength. He is good all the time because of WHO He is not WHAT He does. Lord, forgive me for equating what You do or don't do to Who my feelings make you out to be. Forgive me for not thinking of You as God alone being enough. Forgive me for thinking I am owed anything--especially legs that work. Thank You for choosing me and giving EVERYTHING to me through Your Son Jesus. Lord, I am so unworthy but You make me worthy and beautiful in Your site because of the cross. Because of Jesus. Because You are good. I trust You. Keep my thoughts rested on You.
I was provided a free copy of this booklet at no charge for the purpose of review by the publisher.
This booklet is only 72 pages long but it really packs a good punch. Dr. Tony Evans uses only necessary words to describe what marriage should be. We live in a society where divorce rates are rampant. In a world where many children are being raised in single parent homes. Dr. Evans takes a look at what God's original plan and design was for marriage. He explores how if we lived the way the Designer prescribed then things would run much more smoothly.
This would be a great book for a husband and wife to read together and pray through about where they are in their relationship. To see where they are succeeding and where they need to grow. It was a good and easy read filled fully with truth. I really enjoyed it.
To get a copy of this booklet go here. To see Dr. Evans website go here. To see what others are saying go here.
I was provided with a free copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of review.
This book is filled with the amazing story of Kristen Anderson and her survival of a suicide attempt. It was very interesting to read her story and hear about what brought her to this place. It is a wake up call that she could be anyone of us. But though she tried to take her life to escape the pain of this world, God had other plans.
Seeing how God can use such a tragedy and bring such great glory for Himself through it is what is the best about this story. It will deepen your faith in how God has made Himself known in a very real way to Kristen and her family. He worked in such great ways in their life and Kristen's testimony brings great evidence to that fact.
Through this tragedy God placed an amazing ministry on Kristen's heart. It is a ministry to help hurting people find the hope of Christ. Go and check it out here.
To purchase a copy of this book from the publisher go here. To purchase a copy of this book from Amazon go here.
I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of review.
This little book is so precious. From the moment we opened the package we thought it was just a fantastic little book. Not only is it nice to look at but it is ordered in an easy way to help kids find God's promises on many situations.
There is a little four to five line life application to the topic and then four or five Scripture verses that goes along with it. I just love that because God's word is the most important thing to help us in any area of life.
It is very easy to read and my girls who are ages 6 and 8 really loved it. It is something they can browse through and read on their own. I am sure this book will be helpful for years to come. Very excited about it.
To purchase a copy from the publisher go here. To purchase a copy from Amazon go here.
I received a copy of this book at no charge from the publisher for the purpose of review.
Present Perfect was exactly what it said it would be. I really enjoyed this read. The author explores the discipline of being in the presence of God all the time. He refers to this with a question, "Are you awake?" In our every day in and out duties it is possible for us to be very aware of God's presence within and around us. We just need to stay in tune with Him.
Boyd, looks at three classic authors of old. One of my favorites, Brother Lawerence, Frank Laubach and J. - P. Caussade. I have never read anything of the last two but am now interested. I found it very interesting that Boyd brought us a book examining how we can practice being in the presence of God today. He gives some practical examples and exercises in how to remind ourselves to do this. God is ever present. He never leaves us. We just need to be aware that He is always there. It is a good read and I recommend it.
To check out the author's website go here. To get the book on amazon go here. To see what other bloggers are saying go here.
I am over at Heart of the Matter today. Heart of the Matter is an amazing online homeschooling ministry. Go check them out here.
“Yeah, Mommy is sitting on the floor!” My oldest daughter exclaimed as she peeked around the corner at me on the floor teaching my youngest money facts. We were playing store. Playing with actual money while pretending to buy things is a very effective technique for learning money concepts. We had a great time doing this together. Read More.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of review.
Author, Stacy Hawkins Adams a fiction author has crossed over to write this first non-fiction book. She accomplishes what the books states, "giving advice to women on how to connect deeper with God." The way this book is divided up in chapters is helpful because depending on what you are dealing with in life you can turn to that certain chapter and read through for encouragement. Also at the end of the chapters there are tips, activities, sample prayers and Scriptures to help you along the way.
This book is what it said it would be. It was an easy read and would be beneficial to those who are struggling to know how to grow and connect with God at a deeper level. The author uses many real life examples to help anyone relate.
To get a copy of this book from Amazon go here To go to the author's website go here. To see what others are saying go here.
so I just have to post about my So Long Insecurity weekend. Beth really brought it. Teaching through Ephesians 4. Really good stuff. I mean the stuff that you need to hear but sometimes don't want to. Love how she just brings the word. That is it. Love that because it is the Word that transforms.
Travis Cottrell and praise team lead worship and boy do they always bring it! Just love them anytime I get to worship with them.
Also, got to hang out with the sweetest ladies who actually attend this massive church, Woodstock Baptist. They are the sweetest and most real things. I just love them so much. We got to worship with 10000 women at once. That was an experience. And some of us needed the worship time because some people had totally lost their cool in that mess. But we are all works in progress, amen?! Meeting with siestas was a fabulous time as well. Tammy and Angie got us organized. We got to eat together and share together. I also was asked to share my I shared about God's faithfulness even through our trials. My legs were very weak this day so I am sitting to talk NOT sing!
Sweet Stephanie lead us in worship. I just love her and the songs that God gives to her. She is a precious gem and real life friend. Lisa Mckay then shared a sweet message of redemption. It was great!
Lora shared an amazing poem. You gotta check it out on her blog. So good! I also stole her pics from her blog!! But I know she doesn't mind cuz we are siestas and that's just how I role!
Tammy from above also shared a sweet message of encouragement to endure with those you are waiting on to accept the Lord. Loved that.
All this was wrapped in meeting new siestas for the first time in real life, getting to drive and hang out with one of my best friends, Tiffani ( a non blogger but indeed a siesta! :)) equals a great Saturday. I was so blessed to be a part. Oh and mama siesta aka Beth did not get to join us this time like last year but she did check in on us. What a sweet mama she is! :)
Hey y'all! This is a great chance to get a completely free copy of the book I just reviewed titled Radical. Get yours now! Only available until May 9th.
A copy of this book was provided to me free of charge for the purpose of review for the publisher.
Radical is an amazing book. It is by far one on the top of my book favorites list of all time. For me, that statement is huge. I cannot stand reading a book that is not life altering. I feel it is a waste of my time. Our lives are so short. So that is where I am coming from when I write these reviews. You can tell if there is a certain passion or not in a book I am given by the review tone.
About Radical, if you are wanting to come to see God at a new deeper gospel driven place then I would say read this book. However, there is a stern warning as well. Do not read (I am so serious here) if you do not want to change. This book would not be for you. But if you are interested in being all God calls you to be in light of the current culture we live in in America do take the time to read this.
When I review a book I often think of the people in my life who may be interested in it. I for instance love books. I know not everyone shares this passion. However, if you want a read that will affect change in your life then take the time for this one. We are all so busy. So many things to do with our time but I believe that reading this will bring great glory to God as you let the Holy Spirit change you.
The author examines the American dream and how it does not always mesh with the gospel. We need to chose one or the other basically. Many of us are living with a great blind spot in front of us regarding the things that go along with our culture. The book includes wonderful examples and facts. It fanned the flame of my already weary heart filled with exasperation from this culture. It was a breath of fresh air to read indeed. Finally, I know that there are authors out there who do see these things and use their gifts for great purposes.
The end of this book includes a yearly challenge. Living more fully in all God has for us. I have already started and fully committed to this challenge. If you do it too please let me know. I would love to share the journey with you. I am hoping it will last for my lifetime.
To purchase a copy of this book from the publisher go here. To purchase a copy of this book from Amazon go here. To view the books website go here.