I know it sounds silly but I think that me having to ask for help just makes me feel more disabled than I actually am. It seems like I am accepting something that I don't want to need. I have to resign to the fact that I need help. I need someone else. I cannot stay independent. It is uncomfortable to know you need someone. Maybe it is just me and my great immaturity. But it is the lesson I am slowly learning.
God made us for community and to need one another. I am very happy to be the one to help others out. Maybe because there is something good that comes with that. Maybe it feels good to help but not good when you need that in return. It humbles you.
I know in my life the problem boils down to pride. I have always been more of an independent type. For years thought that was a good thing. But it is not. God did not make us to operate as lone rangers. He made us to operate in community. We need one another. We need to be okay with asking one another for help. Yet it is still a struggle for me.
I hate it when this illness hits. I hate it desperately. These days I cannot go into denial about it anymore it has become too strong. But I am learning to lean on God. Learning to lean on others. Learning to be a person who can be free enough to ask others for help. To know my limitations and operate accordingly.