In all seriousness I think Valentine's Day is a wicked holiday that is used to raise expectations too high. If we are honest with ourselves we do really want a prince who will sweep us off our feet and come to our rescue, white horse and all. Cinderella ruined us for this. But she did not have to do much work. We were made with that hole in us that desires this, however, the place we get tripped up is we look to a man to fill this. This is not okay. Ladies, let's let our men off the hook here, okay?
The reason I say this is because no man can ever fill that hole. No man was ever meant too. The only way that hole can be filled is by giving that place to Jesus. He is the only one who can fill that empty space. He is the only one who can be that Savior. He is the only one who can be that Prince. He is the only one who can truly sweep us off our feet white horse and all! That is His to fill.
With all that said, I need to say that I am guilty a lot of the time by holding expectations that are too high for my husband to fill. Expectations that he is not meant to fill. I have a great man who loves me unconditionally. He loves me well, takes care of me, calms me, builds me up in God's word, speaks Scripture over me, and prays for me. There is no better thing than that. That is how we make everyday great. We love one another deeply in the mundane things in life. We spurn one another on toward the gospel of Jesus Christ. We let Jesus fill that hole that the other cannot and was not meant to fill. We walk it out this way and that is what love in action looks like. It is not a one day thing but an everyday thing.
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