Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Book Review: Made for Friendship by Hunter


This was an amazing book on friendship. I highly recommend it for all Christians. We really don't do friendship well if we actually sit and think about it. It's a rare gift. Sure we have lots of acquaintances but how many true friends? It has opened my eyes.

Jesus knew and understood friendship. We can learn from His example and many practical tips that this book provides. The book explains why we ache for friendship, why it's important, and how to cultivate it. It is written in a very practical manner that is easy to understand and implement.

I found this book to be beneficial to my understanding of friendship. It is also challenging because these instructions now need to be put into practice. What beauty there would be if God's people learned to be good friends!

The book includes questions to help facilitate group discussion. Reading this with a group would be helpful in implementation.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of review.

You can get a copy of this book on Amazon.com here.

Book Review: 7 Deadly Friendships by DeMuth


Mary has written a lot of books. All of the ones I've had the privilege of reading have blessed me. When given the opportunity to help launch this book I was thrilled.  The topic also intrigued me. I continually have a hard time understanding godly friendship so I knew this book would be instructive.

With vulnerability, honesty, and wit Mary shares helpful stories and practical wisdom. The characters that make up the "7 deadly" come from Proverbs 6:16-19 which states;

"There are six things the Lord hates—
no, seven things he detests:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that kill the innocent,
a heart that plots evil,
feet that race to do wrong,
A false witness who pours out lies,
a person who sows discord in a family."

Each chapter takes a detailed look at these kinds of friends and what to do if you have them or if you are one. It gives practical application which is helpful and healing. Once the author identifies each kind of deadly friendship, she takes us to the example of Joseph and finally Jesus. 

Ultimately Jesus is our only hope in navigating difficult relationships. He is the perfect example for us to follow because He befriended us.

This book was encouraging, challenging, and sanctifying. It was well worth the read because it was helpful. It will grow you in Christian friendship.

I received a copy of this book free of charge for the sake of review.

You can get a copy of this book from Amazon on October 2nd but pre-order now here.

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